
Profile Your Data

Profiling your data is easy. Just use the data reader, send the data to the profiler, and print out the report.

import json
from dataprofiler import Data, Profiler

data = Data("your_file.csv") # Auto-Detect & Load: CSV, AVRO, Parquet, JSON, Text

profile = Profiler(data) # Calculate Statistics, Entity Recognition, etc

readable_report ={"output_format":"pretty"})
print(json.dumps(readable_report, indent=4))

If the data is structured, the profile will return global statistics as well as column by column statistics. The vast amount of statistics are listed on the intro page.

Load a File

The profiler should automatically identify the file type and load the data into a Data Class.

Along with other attributtes the Data class enables data to be accessed via a valid Pandas DataFrame.

# Load a csv file, return a CSVData object
csv_data = Data('your_file.csv')

# Print the first 10 rows of the csv file

# Load a parquet file, return a ParquetData object
parquet_data = Data('your_file.parquet')

# Sort the data by the name column'name', inplace=True)

# Print the sorted first 10 rows of the parquet data

If the file type is not automatically identified (rare), you can specify them specifically, see section Data Readers.

Profile a File

Example uses a CSV file for example, but CSV, JSON, Avro or Parquet should also work.

import json
from dataprofiler import Data, Profiler

# Load file (CSV should be automatically identified)
data = Data("your_file.csv")

# Profile the dataset
profile = Profiler(data)

# Generate a report and use json to prettify.
report  ={"output_format":"pretty"})

# Print the report
print(json.dumps(report, indent=4))

Updating Profiles

Currently, the data profiler is equipped to update its profile in batches.

import json
from dataprofiler import Data, Profiler

# Load and profile a CSV file
data = Data("your_file.csv")
profile = Profiler(data)

# Update the profile with new data:
new_data = Data("new_data.csv")

# Print the report using json to prettify.
report  ={"output_format":"pretty"})
print(json.dumps(report, indent=4))

Merging Profiles

If you have two files with the same schema (but different data), it is possible to merge the two profiles together via an addition operator.

This also enables profiles to be determined in a distributed manner.

import json
from dataprofiler import Data, Profiler

# Load a CSV file with a schema
data1 = Data("file_a.csv")
profile1 = Profiler(data)

# Load another CSV file with the same schema
data2 = Data("file_b.csv")
profile2 = Profiler(data)

profile3 = profile1 + profile2

# Print the report using json to prettify.
report  ={"output_format":"pretty"})
print(json.dumps(report, indent=4))

Profile a Pandas DataFrame

import pandas as pd
import dataprofiler as dp
import json

my_dataframe = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2.0],[1, 2.2],[-1, 3]])
profile = dp.Profiler(my_dataframe)

# print the report using json to prettify.
report ={"output_format":"pretty"})
print(json.dumps(report, indent=4))

# read a specified column, in this case it is labeled 0:
print(json.dumps(report["data stats"][0], indent=4))

Specifying a Filetype or Delimiter

Example of specifying a CSV data type, with a , delimiter. In addition, it utilizes only the first 10,000 rows.

import json
import os
from dataprofiler import Data, Profiler
from dataprofiler.data_readers.csv_data import CSVData

# Load a CSV file, with "," as the delimiter
data = CSVData("your_file.csv", options={"delimiter": ","})

# Split the data, such that only the first 10,000 rows are used
data =[0:10000]

# Read in profile and print results
profile = Profiler(data)
print(json.dumps({"output_format":"pretty"}), indent=4))

Profile Options

The data profiler accepts several options to toggle on and off features. The 8 columns (int options, float options, datetime options, text options, order options, category options, data labeler options) can be enabled or disabled. By default, all options are toggled on. Below is an example of how to alter these options.

import json
from dataprofiler import Data, Profiler, ProfilerOptions

# Load and profile a CSV file
data = Data("your_file.csv")
profile_options = ProfilerOptions()

#All of these are different examples of adjusting the profile options

# Options can be toggled directly like this:
profile_options.structured_options.text.is_enabled = False
profile_options.structured_options.text.vocab.is_enabled = True = True
profile_options.structured_options.data_labeler.data_labeler_dirpath = \
profile_options.structured_options.data_labeler.is_enabled = False

# A dictionary can be sent in to set the properties for all the options
profile_options.set({"data_labeler.is_enabled": False, "min.is_enabled": False})

# Specific columns can be set/disabled/enabled in the same way
                                         "variance.is_enabled": True})

# numeric stats can be turned off/on entirely
profile_options.set({"is_numeric_stats_enabled": False})
profile_options.set({"int.is_numeric_stats_enabled": False})

profile = Profiler(data, profiler_options=profile_options)

# Print the report using json to prettify.
report  ={"output_format":"pretty"})
print(json.dumps(report, indent=4))

Below is an breakdown of all the options.

  • ProfilerOptions - The top-level options class that contains options for the Profiler class

    • structured_options - Options responsible for all structured data

      • multiprocess - Option to enable multiprocessing. Automatically selects the optimal number of processes to utilize based on system constraints.

        • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables multiprocessing

      • int - Options for the integer columns

        • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables the integer operations

        • min - Finds minimum value in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables min

        • max - Finds maximum value in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables max

        • sum - Finds sum of all values in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables sum

        • variance - Finds variance of all values in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables variance

        • histogram_and_quantiles - Generates a histogram and quantiles from the column values

          • bin_count_or_method - (String/List[String]) Designates preferred method for calculating histogram bins or the number of bins to use. If left unspecified (None) the optimal method will be chosen by attempting all methods. If multiple specified (list) the optimal method will be chosen by attempting the provided ones. methods: ‘auto’, ‘fd’, ‘doane’, ‘scott’, ‘rice’, ‘sturges’, ‘sqrt’ Note: ‘auto’ is used to choose optimally between ‘fd’ and ‘sturges’

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables histogram and quantiles

      • float - Options for the float columns

        • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables the float operations

        • precision - Finds the precision (significant figures) within the column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables precision
            • sample_ratio - (Float) The ratio of 0 to 1 how much data (identified as floats) to utilize as samples in determining precision

        • min - Finds minimum value in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables min

        • max - Finds maximum value in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables max

        • sum - Finds sum of all values in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables sum

        • variance - Finds variance of all values in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables variance

        • histogram_and_quantiles - Generates a histogram and quantiles from the column values

          • bin_count_or_method - (String/List[String]) Designates preferred method for calculating histogram bins or the number of bins to use. If left unspecified (None) the optimal method will be chosen by attempting all methods. If multiple specified (list) the optimal method will be chosen by attempting the provided ones. methods: ‘auto’, ‘fd’, ‘doane’, ‘scott’, ‘rice’, ‘sturges’, ‘sqrt’ Note: ‘auto’ is used to choose optimally between ‘fd’ and ‘sturges’ * is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables histogram and quantiles

      • text - Options for the text columns

        • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables the text operations

        • vocab - Finds all the unique characters used in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables vocab

        • min - Finds minimum value in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables min

        • max - Finds maximum value in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables max

        • sum - Finds sum of all values in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables sum

        • variance - Finds variance of all values in a column

          • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables variance

        • histogram_and_quantiles - Generates a histogram and quantiles from the column values

          • bin_count_or_method - (String/List[String]) Designates preferred method for calculating histogram bins or the number of bins to use. If left unspecified (None) the optimal method will be chosen by attempting all methods. If multiple specified (list) the optimal method will be chosen by attempting the provided ones. methods: ‘auto’, ‘fd’, ‘doane’, ‘scott’, ‘rice’, ‘sturges’, ‘sqrt’ Note: ‘auto’ is used to choose optimally between ‘fd’ and ‘sturges’ * is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables histogram and quantiles

      • datetime - Options for the datetime columns

        • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables the datetime operations

      • order - Options for the order columns

        • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables the order operations

      • category - Options for the category columns

        • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables the category operations

      • data_labeler - Options for the data labeler columns

        • is_enabled - (Boolean) Enables or disables the data labeler operations

        • data_labeler_dirpath - (String) Directory path to data labeler

        • data_labeler_object - (BaseDataLabeler) Datalabeler to replace the default labeler

        • max_sample_size - (Int) The max number of samples for the data labeler

Statistical Dependency on Order of Updates

Some profile features/statistics are dependent on the order in which the profiler is updated with new data.

Order Profile

The order profiler utilizes the last value in the previous data batch to ensure the subsequent dataset is above/below/equal to that value when predicting non-random order.

For instance, a dataset to be predicted as ascending would require the following batch data update to be ascending and its first value >= than that of the previous batch of data.

Ex. of ascending:

batch_1 = [0, 1, 2]
batch_2 = [3, 4, 5]

Ex. of random:

batch_1 = [0, 1, 2]
batch_2 = [1, 2, 3] # notice how the first value is less than the last value in the previous batch

Reporting Structure

For every profile, we can provide a report and customize it with a couple optional parameters:

  • output_format (string)

    • This will allow the user to decide the output format for report.

      • Options are one of [pretty, compact, serializable, flat]:

        • Pretty: floats are rounded to four decimal places, and lists are shortened.

        • Compact: Similar to pretty, but removes detailed statistics such as runtimes, label probabilities, index locations of null types, etc.

        • Serializable: Output is json serializable and not prettified

        • Flat: Nested output is returned as a flattened dictionary

  • num_quantile_groups (int)

    • You can sample your data as you like! With a minimum of one and a maximum of 1000, you can decide the number of quantile groups!

report  ={"output_format": "pretty"})
report  ={"output_format": "compact"})
report  ={"output_format": "serializable"})
report  ={"output_format": "flat"})