========================================== Contributing to Particle Cloud Framework ========================================== Submitting a new PR -------------------------- We believe the value of pcf comes from the community and contributions are greatly appreciated and encouraged. Feel free to create new branches off of develop and submit your pr. When creating new particles and quasiparticles make sure to add docstrings to all your functions and add tests. `PCF Github Repo `_ Requesting New Features -------------------------- To request new particles, quasiparticles or features submit an issue in the pcf github repo and label appropriately. `PCF Github Issues `_ Particle Cloud Framework Docs ------------------------------ Particle Cloud Framework docs are generated using Sphinx. To test your changes to the docs locally run .. code:: make docs If you want to add docs for a newly created particle then run .. code:: make docs-add Point your browser to `/pcf/docs/build/html/index.html` to view your changes