pcf.particle.aws.lambda_function package


pcf.particle.aws.lambda_function.lambda_function module

class pcf.particle.aws.lambda_function.lambda_function.LambdaFunction(particle_definition)

Bases: pcf.core.aws_resource.AWSResource

This is the implementation of Amazon’s lambda service. This particle works with function code in a zipfile located locally and in s3. Note that having a zipfile locally versus s3 has a slightly different configuration format.

RETURN_PARAM_FILTER = {'CodeSha256', 'DeadLetterConfig', 'Description', 'Environment', 'FunctionName', 'Handler', 'KMSKeyArn', 'MemorySize', 'Role', 'Runtime', 'Timeout', 'TracingConfig', 'VpcConfig'}
S3_PARAM_CONVERSIONS = {'S3Bucket': 'Bucket', 'S3Key': 'Key', 's3ObjectVersion': 'VersionId'}
START_PARAM_FILTER = {'Code', 'DeadLetterConfig', 'Description', 'Environment', 'FunctionName', 'Handler', 'KMSKeyArn', 'MemorySize', 'Publish', 'Role', 'Runtime', 'Tags', 'Timeout', 'TracingConfig', 'VpcConfig'}
UNIQUE_KEYS = ['aws_resource.FunctionName']
UPDATE_PARAM_FILTER = {'DeadLetterConfig', 'Description', 'Environment', 'FunctionName', 'Handler', 'KMSKeyArn', 'MemorySize', 'Role', 'Runtime', 'Timeout', 'TracingConfig', 'VpcConfig'}

Looks to see if the zipfile located in s3 has a tag with the latest sha256. If there is no tag it calculates the hash and adds the tag.

Returns:base 64 hash

Hashes the contents of a local zipfile using sha256

Returns:base 64 hash

returns the contents of the lambda code as a sha256 hash. There is a separate process for the code stored locally or in s3


Logic that sets keys from state definition that are used to uniquely identify the Lambda Function


Starts the lambda particle that matches desired state definition

Returns:response of boto3 create_function

Lambda function does not have a stopped state so calls terminate.


Starts the lambda particle that matches the function_name

Returns:response of boto3 delete_function

Updates the lambda function particle to match current state definition. There is a different function call if the update is the function code in the zipfile or a configuration variable.


Function gets and reads contents of local zipfile

Returns:file contents
flavor = 'lambda_function'

Calls the get function configuration boto call and returns status missing if the function does not exist. Otherwise will return the current definition.

Returns:current definition

Compares the desired state and current state definitions.


Create a s3 client if the zipfile is located in s3.

Returns:s3 client

Lambda function implementation of sync state. Calls get status and sets the current state.

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