Printing summaryRCompare Output

# S3 method for summary.dataCompareRobject
print(x, ...)



an object of class "summary.dataCompareRobject", usually a result of a call to summary.dataCompareRobject.


Additional arguments passsed on to createTextSummary


rc1 <- rCompare(iris,iris)
#> Running rCompare...
#> dataCompareR is generating the summary...
#> #> Data Comparison #> =============== #> #> Date comparison run: 2021-09-05 16:53:47 #> Comparison run on R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10) #> With dataCompareR version 0.1.3 #> #> #> Meta Summary #> ============ #> #> #> |Dataset Name |Number of Rows |Number of Columns | #> |:------------|:--------------|:-----------------| #> |iris |150 |5 | #> |iris |150 |5 | #> #> #> Variable Summary #> ================ #> #> Number of columns in common: 5 #> Number of columns only in iris: 0 #> Number of columns only in iris: 0 #> Number of columns with a type mismatch: 0 #> No match key used, comparison is by row #> #> #> #> Row Summary #> =========== #> #> Total number of rows read from iris: 150 #> Total number of rows read from iris: 150 #> Number of rows in common: 150 #> Number of rows dropped from iris: 0 #> Number of rows dropped from iris: 0 #> #> #> Data Values Comparison Summary #> ============================== #> #> Number of columns compared with ALL rows equal: 5 #> Number of columns compared with SOME rows unequal: 0 #> Number of columns with missing value differences: 0 #> #> Columns with all rows equal : PETAL.LENGTH, PETAL.WIDTH, SEPAL.LENGTH, SEPAL.WIDTH, SPECIES #>