Quick Start


Installation from PyPI:

$ python -m pip install edgetest-conda

Installation from conda-forge:

$ conda install -c conda-forge edgetest-conda


This package uses conda to create virtual environments. This means you have to be either in the base conda environment or run

$ conda install conda


This plugin allows users to create virtual environments using conda instead of venv. Once installed, you don’t need to supply any additional configuration options; however, if you want to install dependencies via conda instead of pip or specify a python version for the environment(s), you will need to modify the configuration file:

conda_install =
python_version = 3.10
upgrade =
update_with_conda = True


If you have mamba installed (via conda) in your execution environment, this plugin will use mamba to create your individual testing environments.

update_with_conda is optional. The default behaviour is False. Accepted values are True or False if provided. If True the update command will be executed using conda or mamba. If False the update command will be executed using the default behaviour using pip.