Source code for edgetest.interface

"""Command-line interface."""

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import click
import pluggy
from tomlkit import dumps

from . import hookspecs, lib
from .core import TestPackage
from .logger import get_logger
from .report import gen_report
from .schema import EdgetestValidator, Schema
from .utils import (

LOG = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def get_plugin_manager() -> pluggy.PluginManager: """Get the plugin manager. Registers the default ``venv`` plugin. Returns ------- PluginManager The plugin manager. """ pm = pluggy.PluginManager("edgetest") pm.add_hookspecs(hookspecs) pm.load_setuptools_entrypoints("edgetest") pm.register(lib) return pm
@click.command() @click.option( "--config", "-c", default=None, type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Path to the test configuration file", ) @click.option( "--requirements", "-r", default="requirements.txt", type=click.Path(), help="Path to a requirements file", ) @click.option( "--environment", "-e", default=None, help="Name of a specific environment to run", ) @click.option( "--notest", is_flag=True, help="Whether or not to run the test command for each environment", ) @click.option( "--nosetup", is_flag=True, help="Whether or not to only set up the conda environment(s)", ) @click.option( "--extras", type=str, multiple=True, default=None, help="List of extra installations for the local package. Only used if using ``requirements``", ) @click.option( "--deps", "-d", type=str, multiple=True, default=None, help="Additional `pip` dependencies to install. Only used if using ``requirements``.", ) @click.option( "--command", type=str, default="pytest", help="The test command to use in each environment. Only used if using ``requirements``.", ) @click.option( "--export", is_flag=True, help="Whether or not to export the updated requirements file. Overwrites input requirements.", ) def cli( config, requirements, environment, notest, nosetup, extras, deps, command, export, ): """Create the environments and test. If you do not supply a configuration file, this package will search for a ``requirements.txt`` file and create a conda environment for each package in that file. """ # Get the hooks pm = get_plugin_manager() if config and Path(config).suffix == ".cfg": conf = parse_cfg(filename=config, requirements=requirements) elif config and Path(config).suffix == ".toml": conf = parse_toml(filename=config, requirements=requirements) else: # Find the path to the local directory using the requirements file conf = gen_requirements_config( fname_or_buf=requirements, extras=extras, deps=deps, command=command, package_dir=str(Path(requirements).parent), ) # Validate the configuration file docstructure = Schema() pm.hook.addoption(schema=docstructure) validator = EdgetestValidator(schema=docstructure.schema) if not validator.validate(conf): click.echo(f"Unable to validate configuration file. Error: {validator.errors}") raise ValueError("Unable to validate configuration file.") conf = validator.document if environment: conf["envs"] = [env for env in conf["envs"] if env["name"] == environment] # Run the pre-test hook pm.hook.pre_run_hook(conf=conf) testers: List[TestPackage] = [] for env in conf["envs"]: testers.append( TestPackage( hook=pm.hook, envname=env["name"], upgrade=env.get("upgrade"), lower=env.get("lower"), package_dir=env["package_dir"], ) ) # Set up the test environment if nosetup: click.echo(f"Using existing environment for {env['name']}...") testers[-1].setup(skip=True, **env) else: testers[-1].setup(**env) # Run the tests if notest or not testers[-1].setup_status: click.echo(f"Skipping tests for {env['name']}") else: testers[-1].run_tests(env["command"]) report = gen_report(testers) click.echo(f"\n\n{report}") if export and testers[-1].status: if config is not None and Path(config).name == "setup.cfg": parser = upgrade_setup_cfg( upgraded_packages=testers[-1].upgraded_packages(), filename=config, ) with open(config, "w") as outfile: parser.write(outfile) if "options" not in parser or not parser.get("options", "install_requires"): click.echo( "No PEP-517 style requirements in ``setup.cfg`` to update. Updating " f"{requirements}" ) upgraded = upgrade_requirements( fname_or_buf=requirements, upgraded_packages=testers[-1].upgraded_packages(), ) with open(requirements, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(upgraded) elif config is not None and Path(config).name == "pyproject.toml": parser = upgrade_pyproject_toml( upgraded_packages=testers[-1].upgraded_packages(), filename=config, ) with open(config, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(dumps(parser)) if "project" not in parser or not parser.get("project").get("dependencies"): click.echo( "No dependencies in ``pyproject.toml`` to update. Updating " f"{requirements}" ) upgraded = upgrade_requirements( fname_or_buf=requirements, upgraded_packages=testers[-1].upgraded_packages(), ) with open(requirements, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(upgraded) else: click.echo(f"Overwriting the requirements file {requirements}...") upgraded = upgrade_requirements( fname_or_buf=requirements, upgraded_packages=testers[-1].upgraded_packages(), ) with open(requirements, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(upgraded) # Run the post-test hook pm.hook.post_run_hook(testers=testers, conf=conf)