Source code for edgetest.utils

"""Utility functions."""

import os
from configparser import ConfigParser
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet
from pkg_resources import parse_requirements
from tomlkit import TOMLDocument, load
from tomlkit.container import Container
from tomlkit.items import Array, Item, String, Table

from .logger import get_logger

LOG = get_logger(__name__)

def _run_command(*args) -> Tuple[str, int]:
    """Run a command using ``subprocess.Popen``.

        Arguments for the command.

        The output
        The exit code

        Error raised when the command is not successfully executed.
    LOG.debug(f"Running the following command: \n\n {' '.join(args)}")
    popen = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
    out, _ = popen.communicate()
    if popen.returncode:
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Unable to run the following command: \n\n {' '.join(args)}"

    return out, popen.returncode

[docs]@contextmanager def pushd(new_dir: str): """Create a context manager for running commands in sub-directories. Parameters ---------- new_dir : str The relative directory to run the command in. """ curr_dir = Path.cwd() os.chdir(curr_dir / new_dir) try: yield finally: os.chdir(curr_dir)
def _convert_toml_array_to_string(item: Union[Item, Any]) -> str: if isinstance(item, Array): return "\n".join(item) elif isinstance(item, String): return str(item) else: raise ValueError
[docs]def convert_requirements(requirements: str, conf: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Dict: """Generate environments for a newline-separate list of package requirements. This function will generate one environment per entry with an additional environment that upgrades all requirements simultaneously. Parameters ---------- requirements : str The requirements string. conf : dict, optional (default None) An existing configuration to edit. Returns ------- Dict A configuration dictionary. """ conf = {"envs": []} if conf is None else conf pkgs = [pkg.project_name for pkg in parse_requirements(requirements)] for pkg in pkgs: conf["envs"].append({}) conf["envs"][-1]["name"] = pkg conf["envs"][-1]["upgrade"] = pkg # Create an environment with all requirements upgraded conf["envs"].append({}) conf["envs"][-1]["name"] = "all-requirements" conf["envs"][-1]["upgrade"] = "\n".join(pkgs) return conf
[docs]def gen_requirements_config(fname_or_buf: str, **options) -> Dict: """Generate a configuration file from package requirements. This function will convert the package installation requirements to a configuration file with one environment per requirement. Parameters ---------- fname_or_buf : str Path to the requirements file to parse using ``pkg_resources.parse_requirements`` or the string representing the requirements file. **options Options to apply to each test environment. Returns ------- Dict The configuration file. """ # First, get the requirements if Path(fname_or_buf).is_file(): with open(fname_or_buf) as infile: cfg = else: cfg = fname_or_buf output = convert_requirements(requirements=cfg) for index in range(len(output["envs"])): output["envs"][index].update(options) return output
[docs]def parse_cfg(filename: str = "setup.cfg", requirements: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict: """Generate a configuration from a ``.ini`` style file. This function can operate in two ways. First, it can look for sections that start with ``edgetest`` and build a configuration. Suppose you have ``setup.cfg`` as follows: .. code-block:: ini [edgetest.envs.pandas] upgrade = pandas This will result in a configuration that has one testing environment, named ``pandas``, that upgrades the ``pandas`` package. If you don't have any sections that start with ``edgetest.envs``, we will look for the PEP 517-style ``setup.cfg`` install requirements (the ``install_requires`` key within the ``options`` section). To set global defaults for you environments, use the ``edgetest`` section: .. code-block:: ini [edgetest] extras = tests command = pytest tests -m "not integration" [edgetest.envs.pandas] upgrade = pandas For this single environment file, the above configuration is equivalent to .. code-block:: ini [edgetest.envs.pandas] extras = tests command = pytest tests -m "not integration" upgrade = pandas Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional (default "setup.cfg") The name of the configuration file to read. Defaults to ``setup.cfg``. requirements : str, optional (default None) An optional path to the requirements text file. If there are no PEP-517 style dependencies or coded environments in the edgetest configuration, this function will look for dependencies in the requirements file. Returns ------- Dict A configuration dictionary for ``edgetest``. """ # Read in the configuration file config = ConfigParser() # Parse output: Dict = {"envs": []} # Get any global options if necessary options = dict(config["edgetest"]) if "edgetest" in config else {} # Next, create the sections for section in config.sections(): if not section.startswith("edgetest."): continue # Look for the special ``envs`` key section_name = section.split(".") if section_name[1] == "envs": output["envs"].append(dict(config[section])) output["envs"][-1]["name"] = section_name[2] if ( "lower" in output["envs"][-1] and "options" in config and "install_requires" in config["options"] ): output["envs"][-1]["lower"] = get_lower_bounds( config.get("options", "install_requires"), output["envs"][-1]["lower"], ) else: output[section_name[1]] = dict(config[section]) if len(output["envs"]) == 0: if config.get("options", "install_requires"): output = convert_requirements( requirements=config["options"]["install_requires"], conf=output ) elif requirements: req_conf = gen_requirements_config(fname_or_buf=requirements) output["envs"] = req_conf["envs"] else: raise ValueError("Please supply a valid list of environments to create.") # Apply global environment options (without overwriting) for idx in range(len(output["envs"])): output["envs"][idx] = dict( list(options.items()) + list(output["envs"][idx].items()) ) return output
[docs]def parse_toml( filename: str = "pyproject.toml", requirements: Optional[str] = None ) -> Dict: """Generate a configuration from a ``.toml`` style file. This function can operate in two ways. First, it will look for tables that start with ``edgetest`` and build a configuration. Suppose you have ``pyproject.toml`` as follows: .. code-block:: toml [edgetest.envs.pandas] upgrade = [ "pandas" ] This will result in a configuration that has one testing environment, named ``pandas``, that upgrades the ``pandas`` package. If you don't have any tables that start with ``edgetest.envs``, we will look for the installation requirements (the ``dependencies`` key within the ``project`` section). To set global defaults for you environments, use the ``edgetest`` table: .. code-block:: toml [edgetest] extras = [ "tests" ] command = "pytest tests -m 'not integration'" [edgetest.envs.pandas] upgrade = [ "pandas" ] For this single environment file, the above configuration is equivalent to .. code-block:: toml [edgetest.envs.pandas] extras = [ "tests" ] command = "pytest tests -m 'not integration'" upgrade = [ "pandas" ] Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional (default "pyproject.toml") The name of the toml file to read. Defaults to ``pyproject.toml``. requirements : str, optional (default None) An optional path to the requirements text file. If there are no TOML style dependencies or coded environments in the edgetest configuration, this function will look for dependencies in the requirements file. Returns ------- Dict A configuration dictionary for ``edgetest``. """ options: Union[Item, Container, dict] # Read in the configuration file config: TOMLDocument = load(open(filename)) # Parse output: Dict = {"envs": []} # Get any global options if necessary. First scan through and pop out any Tables temp_config = deepcopy(config) if "edgetest" in config: for j in config["edgetest"].items(): # type: ignore if isinstance(config["edgetest"][j[0]], Table): # type: ignore _ = temp_config["edgetest"].pop( # type: ignore j[0], None ) # remove Tables from the temp config else: temp_config["edgetest"][j[0]] = _convert_toml_array_to_string( # type: ignore temp_config["edgetest"][j[0]] # type: ignore ) options = temp_config["edgetest"] else: options = {} # Check envs exists and any other Tables if "edgetest" in config: for section in config["edgetest"]: # type: ignore if section == "envs": for env in config["edgetest"]["envs"]: # type: ignore for item in config["edgetest"]["envs"][env]: # type: ignore # If an Array then decompose to a string format config["edgetest"]["envs"][env][ # type: ignore item ] = _convert_toml_array_to_string( config["edgetest"]["envs"][env][item] # type: ignore ) output["envs"].append(dict(config["edgetest"]["envs"][env])) # type: ignore output["envs"][-1]["name"] = env if ( "lower" in output["envs"][-1] and "project" in config and "dependencies" in config["project"] # type: ignore ): output["envs"][-1]["lower"] = get_lower_bounds( dict(config["project"])["dependencies"], # type: ignore output["envs"][-1]["lower"], ) elif isinstance(config["edgetest"][section], Table): # type: ignore output[section] = dict(config["edgetest"][section]) # type: ignore if len(output["envs"]) == 0: if config.get("project").get("dependencies"): # type: ignore output = convert_requirements( requirements="\n".join(config["project"]["dependencies"]), # type: ignore conf=output, # type: ignore # noqa: E501 ) elif requirements: req_conf = gen_requirements_config(fname_or_buf=requirements) output["envs"] = req_conf["envs"] else: raise ValueError("Please supply a valid list of environments to create.") # Apply global environment options (without overwriting) for idx in range(len(output["envs"])): output["envs"][idx] = dict( list(options.items()) + list(output["envs"][idx].items()) # type: ignore ) return output
[docs]def upgrade_requirements( fname_or_buf: str, upgraded_packages: List[Dict[str, str]] ) -> str: """Create an upgraded requirements file. Parameters ---------- fname_or_buf : str Path to the requirements file to parse using ``pkg_resources.parse_requirements`` or the string representing the requirements file. upgraded_packages : list A list of packages upgraded in the testing procedure. Returns ------- str The string file representing the new requirements file. """ # Get the existing file try: if Path(fname_or_buf).is_file(): with open(fname_or_buf) as infile: cfg = else: cfg = fname_or_buf except OSError: # Filename too long for the is_file() function cfg = fname_or_buf pkgs = [pkg for pkg in parse_requirements(cfg)] upgrades = {pkg["name"]: pkg["version"] for pkg in upgraded_packages} for pkg in pkgs: if pkg.project_name not in upgrades: continue # Replace the spec specs = deepcopy(pkg.specs) for index, value in enumerate(specs): if value[0] == "<=": pkg.specs[index] = ("<=", upgrades[pkg.project_name]) elif value[0] == "<": pkg.specs[index] = ("!=", value[1]) pkg.specs.append(("<=", upgrades[pkg.project_name])) elif value[0] == "==": pkg.specs = [(">=", value[1]), ("<=", upgrades[pkg.project_name])] pkg.specifier = SpecifierSet(",".join("".join(spec) for spec in pkg.specs)) # type: ignore return "\n".join(str(pkg) for pkg in pkgs)
[docs]def upgrade_setup_cfg( upgraded_packages: List[Dict[str, str]], filename: str = "setup.cfg" ) -> ConfigParser: """Upgrade the ``setup.cfg`` file. Parameters ---------- upgraded_packages : List[Dict[str, str]] A list of packages upgraded in the testing procedure. filename : str, optional (default "setup.cfg") The name of the configuration file to read. Defaults to ``setup.cfg``. Returns ------- ConfigParser The updated configuration file. """ parser = ConfigParser() if "options" in parser and parser.get("options", "install_requires"):"Updating the requirements in {filename}") upgraded = upgrade_requirements( fname_or_buf=parser["options"]["install_requires"].lstrip(), upgraded_packages=upgraded_packages, ) parser["options"]["install_requires"] = "\n" + upgraded # Update the extras, if necessary if "options.extras_require" in parser: for extra, dependencies in parser.items("options.extras_require"): upgraded = upgrade_requirements( fname_or_buf=dependencies, upgraded_packages=upgraded_packages, ) parser["options.extras_require"][extra] = "\n" + upgraded return parser
[docs]def upgrade_pyproject_toml( upgraded_packages: List[Dict[str, str]], filename: str = "pyproject.toml" ) -> TOMLDocument: """Upgrade the ``pyproject.toml`` file. Parameters ---------- upgraded_packages : List[Dict[str, str]] A list of packages upgraded in the testing procedure. filename : str, optional (default "pyproject.toml") The name of the configuration file to read. Defaults to ``pyproject.toml``. Returns ------- TOMLDocument The updated TOMLDocument. """ parser: TOMLDocument = load(open(filename)) if "project" in parser and parser.get("project").get("dependencies"): # type: ignore"Updating the requirements in {filename}") upgraded = upgrade_requirements( fname_or_buf="\n".join(parser["project"]["dependencies"]), # type: ignore upgraded_packages=upgraded_packages, ) parser["project"]["dependencies"] = upgraded.split("\n") # type: ignore # Update the extras, if necessary if parser.get("project").get("optional-dependencies"): # type: ignore for extra, dependencies in parser["project"]["optional-dependencies"].items(): # type: ignore # noqa: E501 upgraded = upgrade_requirements( fname_or_buf="\n".join(dependencies), upgraded_packages=upgraded_packages, ) parser["project"]["optional-dependencies"][extra] = upgraded.split("\n") # type: ignore return parser
def _isin_case_dashhyphen_ins(a: str, vals: List[str]) -> bool: """Run isin check that is case and dash/hyphen insensitive. Paramaters ---------- a : str String value to check for membership against ``vals``. vals : list of str List of strings to check ``a`` against. Returns ------- bool Return ``True`` if ``a`` in vals, otherwise ``False``. """ for b in vals: if a.replace("_", "-").lower() == b.replace("_", "-").lower(): return True return False
[docs]def get_lower_bounds(requirements: str, lower: str) -> str: r"""Get lower bounds of requested packages from installation requirements. Parses through the project ``requirements`` and the newline-delimited packages requested in ``lower`` to find the lower bounds. Parameters ---------- requirements : str Project setup requirements, e.g. ``"pandas>=1.5.1,<=1.4.2\nnumpy>=1.22.1,<=1.25.4"`` lower : str Newline-delimited packages requested, e.g. ``"pandas\nnumpy"``. Returns ------- str The packages along with the lower bound, e.g. ``"pandas==1.5.1\nnumpy==1.22.1"``. """ all_lower_bounds = { pkg.project_name + (f"[{','.join(pkg.extras)}]" if pkg.extras else ""): dict( pkg.specs ).get(">=") for pkg in parse_requirements(requirements) } lower_with_bounds = "" for pkg_name, lower_bound in all_lower_bounds.items(): # TODO: Parse through extra requirements as well to get lower bounds if lower_bound is None: LOG.warning( "Requested %s lower bound, but did not find in install requirements.", pkg_name, ) elif _isin_case_dashhyphen_ins(pkg_name, lower.split("\n")): lower_with_bounds += f"{pkg_name}=={lower_bound}\n" return lower_with_bounds