Source code for locopy.s3

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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2018 Capital One Services, LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""S3 Module
Module to wrap the boto3 api usage and provide functionality to manage
multipart upload to S3 buckets
import os

from boto3 import Session
from boto3.s3.transfer import TransferConfig
from botocore.client import Config

from .errors import (
from .logger import INFO, get_logger
from .utility import ProgressPercentage

logger = get_logger(__name__, INFO)

[docs]class S3(object): """ S3 wrapper class which utilizes the boto3 library to push files to an S3 bucket. Parameters ---------- profile : str, optional The name of the AWS profile to use which is typical stored in the ``credentials`` file. You can also set environment variable ``AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE`` which would be used instead. kms_key : str, optional The KMS key to use for encryption If kms_key Defaults to ``None`` then the AES256 ServerSideEncryption will be used. **kwargs Optional keyword arguments. Attributes ---------- profile : str String representing the AWS profile for authentication kms_key : str String representing the s3 kms key session : boto3.Session Hold the AWS session credentials / info s3 : botocore.client.S3 Hold the S3 client object which is used to upload/delete files to S3 Raises ------ S3Error Error initializing AWS Session (ex: invalid profile) S3CredentialsError Issue with AWS credentials S3InitializationError Issue initializing S3 session """ def __init__(self, profile=None, kms_key=None, **kwargs): self.profile = profile self.kms_key = kms_key self.session = None self.s3 = None self._set_session() self._set_client() def _set_session(self): try: self.session = Session(profile_name=self.profile)"Initialized AWS session.") except Exception as e: logger.error("Error initializing AWS Session, err: %s", e) raise S3Error("Error initializing AWS Session.") credentials = self.session.get_credentials() if credentials is None: raise S3CredentialsError("Credentials could not be set.") def _set_client(self): try: self.s3 = self.session.client("s3", config=Config(signature_version="s3v4"))"Successfully initialized S3 client.") except Exception as e: logger.error("Error initializing S3 Client, err: %s", e) raise S3InitializationError("Error initializing S3 Client.") def _credentials_string(self): """Returns a credentials string for the Redshift COPY or UNLOAD command, containing credentials from the current session. Returns ------- str What to submit in the ``COPY`` or ``UNLOAD`` job under CREDENTIALS """ creds = self.session.get_credentials() if creds.token is not None: temp = "aws_access_key_id={};aws_secret_access_key={};token={}" return temp.format(creds.access_key, creds.secret_key, creds.token) else: temp = "aws_access_key_id={};aws_secret_access_key={}" return temp.format(creds.access_key, creds.secret_key) def _generate_s3_path(self, bucket, key): """Will return the S3 file URL in the format S3://bucket/key Parameters ---------- bucket : str The AWS S3 bucket which you are copying the local file to. key : str The key to name the S3 object. Returns ------- str string of the S3 file URL in the format S3://bucket/key """ return "s3://{0}/{1}".format(bucket, key) def _generate_unload_path(self, bucket, folder): """Will return the S3 file URL in the format s3://bucket/folder if a valid (not None) folder is provided. Otherwise, returns s3://bucket Parameters ---------- bucket : str The AWS S3 bucket which you are copying the local file to. folder : str The folder to unload files to. Note, if the folder does not end with a /, the file names will be prefixed with the folder arg. Returns ------- str string of the S3 file URL in the format s3://bucket/folder If folder is None, returns format s3://bucket """ if folder: s3_path = "s3://{0}/{1}".format(bucket, folder) else: s3_path = "s3://{0}".format(bucket) return s3_path
[docs] def upload_to_s3(self, local, bucket, key): """ Upload a file to a S3 bucket. Parameters ---------- local : str The local file which you wish to copy. bucket : str The AWS S3 bucket which you are copying the local file to. key : str The key to name the S3 object. Raises ------ S3UploadError If there is a issue uploading to the S3 bucket """ extra_args = {} try: # force ServerSideEncryption if self.kms_key is None: extra_args["ServerSideEncryption"] = "AES256""Using AES256 for encryption") else: extra_args["ServerSideEncryption"] = "aws:kms" extra_args["SSEKMSKeyId"] = self.kms_key"Using KMS Keys for encryption")"Uploading file to S3 bucket: %s", self._generate_s3_path(bucket, key)) self.s3.upload_file( local, bucket, key, ExtraArgs=extra_args, Callback=ProgressPercentage(local) ) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error uploading to S3. err: %s", e) raise S3UploadError("Error uploading to S3.")
[docs] def upload_list_to_s3(self, local_list, bucket, folder=None): """ Upload a list of files to a S3 bucket. Parameters ---------- local_list : list List of strings with the file paths of the files to upload bucket : str The AWS S3 bucket which you are copying the local file to. folder : str, optional The AWS S3 folder of the bucket which you are copying the local files to. Defaults to ``None``. Please note that you must follow the ``/`` convention when using subfolders. Returns ------- list Returns a list of the generated S3 bucket and keys of the files which were uploaded. The ``S3://`` part is NOT include. The output would look like the following: ``["my-bucket/key1", "my-bucket/key2", ...]`` Notes ----- There is a assumption that if you are loading multiple files (via `splits`) it follows a structure such as `file_name.extension.#` (`#` splits). It allows for the `COPY` statement to use the key prefix vs specificing an exact file name. The returned list helps with this process downstream. """ output = [] for file in local_list: if folder is None: s3_key = os.path.basename(file) else: s3_key = "/".join([folder, os.path.basename(file)]) self.upload_to_s3(file, bucket, s3_key) output.append("/".join([bucket, s3_key])) return output
[docs] def download_from_s3(self, bucket, key, local): """ Download a file from a S3 bucket. Parameters ---------- bucket : str The AWS S3 bucket which you are copying the local file to. key : str The key to name the S3 object. local : str The local file which you wish to copy to. Raises ------ S3DownloadError If there is a issue downloading to the S3 bucket """ try: "Downloading file from S3 bucket: %s", self._generate_s3_path(bucket, key), ) config = TransferConfig(max_concurrency=5) self.s3.download_file(bucket, key, local, Config=config) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error downloading from S3. err: %s", e) raise S3DownloadError("Error downloading from S3.")
[docs] def download_list_from_s3(self, s3_list, local_path=None): """ Download a list of files from s3. Parameters ---------- s3_list : list List of strings with the s3 paths of the files to download local_path : str, optional The local path where the files will be copied to. Defualts to the current working directory (``os.getcwd()``) Returns ------- list Returns a list of strings of the local file names """ if local_path is None: local_path = os.getcwd() output = [] for f in s3_list: s3_bucket, key = self.parse_s3_url(f) local = os.path.join(local_path, os.path.basename(key)) self.download_from_s3(s3_bucket, key, local) output.append(local) return output
[docs] def delete_from_s3(self, bucket, key): """ Delete a file from an S3 bucket. Parameters ---------- bucket : str The AWS S3 bucket from which you are deleting the file. key : str The name of the S3 object. Raises ------ S3DeletionError If there is a issue deleting from the S3 bucket """ try:"Deleting file from S3 bucket: %s", self._generate_s3_path(bucket, key)) self.s3.delete_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error deleting from S3. err: %s", e) raise S3DeletionError("Error deleting from S3.")
[docs] def delete_list_from_s3(self, s3_list): """ Delete a list of files from an S3 bucket. Parameters ---------- s3_list : list List of strings with the s3 paths of the files to delete. The strings should not include the `s3://` scheme. """ for file in s3_list: s3_bucket, s3_key = self.parse_s3_url(file) self.delete_from_s3(s3_bucket, s3_key)
[docs] def parse_s3_url(self, s3_url): """ Parse a string of the s3 url to extract the bucket and key. scheme or not. Parameters ---------- s3_url : str s3 url. The string can include the `s3://` scheme (which is disgarded) Returns ------- bucket: str s3 bucket key: str s3 key """ temp_s3 = s3_url.replace("s3://", "") s3_bucket = temp_s3.split("/")[0] s3_key = "/".join(temp_s3.split("/")[1:]) return s3_bucket, s3_key