datacompy package¶
- datacompy.spark package
- Submodules
- datacompy.spark.helper module
- datacompy.spark.legacy module
- datacompy.spark.pandas module
- datacompy.spark.sql module
- Module contents
datacompy.base module¶
Compare two Pandas DataFrames.
Originally this package was meant to provide similar functionality to PROC COMPARE in SAS - i.e. human-readable reporting on the difference between two dataframes.
- class datacompy.base.BaseCompare¶
Base comparison class.
- abstract all_columns_match() bool ¶
Check if all columns match.
- abstract all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) Any ¶
Get all rows that mismatch.
- abstract all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Check if all rows overlap.
- abstract count_matching_rows() int ¶
Count the number of matching rows.
- abstract property df1: Any¶
Get the first dataframe.
- abstract df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- abstract property df2: Any¶
Get the second dataframe.
- abstract df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- abstract intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- abstract intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check if the intersection of rows match.
- abstract matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Check if the dataframes match.
- only_join_columns() bool ¶
Boolean on if the only columns are the join columns.
- abstract report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
- abstract sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) Any ¶
Get a sample of rows that mismatch.
- abstract subset() bool ¶
Check if one dataframe is a subset of the other.
- datacompy.base.temp_column_name(*dataframes) str ¶
Get a temp column name that isn’t included in columns of any dataframes.
- Parameters:
dataframes (list of DataFrames) – The DataFrames to create a temporary column name for
- Returns:
String column name that looks like ‘_temp_x’ for some integer x
- Return type:
datacompy.core module¶
Compare two Pandas DataFrames.
Originally this package was meant to provide similar functionality to PROC COMPARE in SAS - i.e. human-readable reporting on the difference between two dataframes.
- class datacompy.core.Compare(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame, join_columns: List[str] | str | None = None, on_index: bool = False, abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True)¶
Comparison class to be used to compare whether two dataframes as equal.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
df1 (pandas
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (pandas
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
on_index (bool, optional) – If True, the index will be used to join the two dataframes. If both
are provided, an exception will be raised.abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
- Variables:
df1_unq_rows (pandas
) – All records that are only in df1 (based on a join on join_columns)df2_unq_rows (pandas
) – All records that are only in df2 (based on a join on join_columns)
- all_columns_match() bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Get all rows with any columns that have a mismatch.
Returns all df1 and df2 versions of the columns and join columns.
- Parameters:
ignore_matching_cols (bool, optional) – Whether showing the matching columns in the output or not. The default is False.
- Returns:
All rows of the intersection dataframe, containing any columns, that don’t match.
- Return type:
- all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Whether the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- count_matching_rows() int ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- property df1: DataFrame¶
Get the first dataframe.
- df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- property df2: DataFrame¶
Get the second dataframe.
- df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check whether the intersect rows all match.
- matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Return True or False if the dataframes match.
- Parameters:
ignore_extra_columns (bool) – Ignores any columns in one dataframe and not in the other.
- Returns:
True or False if the dataframes match.
- Return type:
- report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
- Parameters:
sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) DataFrame | None ¶
Return sample mismatches.
Gets a sub-dataframe which contains the identifying columns, and df1 and df2 versions of the column.
- Parameters:
column (str) – The raw column name (i.e. without
appended)sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
for_display (bool, optional) – Whether this is just going to be used for display (overwrite the column names)
- Returns:
Pandas.DataFrame – A sample of the intersection dataframe, containing only the “pertinent” columns, for rows that don’t match on the provided column.
None – When the column being requested is not an intersecting column between dataframes.
- subset() bool ¶
Return True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
Dataframe 2 is considered a subset if all of its columns are in dataframe 1, and all of its rows match rows in dataframe 1 for the shared columns.
- Returns:
True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
- Return type:
- datacompy.core.calculate_max_diff(col_1: SeriesType[Any], col_2: SeriesType[Any]) float ¶
Get a maximum difference between two columns.
- Parameters:
col_1 (Pandas.Series) – The first column
col_2 (Pandas.Series) – The second column
- Returns:
Numeric field, or zero.
- Return type:
- datacompy.core.columns_equal(col_1: SeriesType[Any], col_2: SeriesType[Any], rel_tol: float = 0, abs_tol: float = 0, ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False) SeriesType[bool] ¶
Compare two columns from a dataframe.
Returns a True/False series, with the same index as column 1.
Two nulls (np.nan) will evaluate to True.
A null and a non-null value will evaluate to False.
Numeric values will use the relative and absolute tolerances.
Decimal values (decimal.Decimal) will attempt to be converted to floats before comparing
Non-numeric values (i.e. where np.isclose can’t be used) will just trigger True on two nulls or exact matches.
As of version
If a column is of a mixed data type the compare will default to returningFalse
.- Parameters:
col_1 (Pandas.Series) – The first column to look at
col_2 (Pandas.Series) – The second column
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
- Returns:
A series of Boolean values. True == the values match, False == the values don’t match.
- Return type:
- datacompy.core.compare_string_and_date_columns(col_1: SeriesType[Any], col_2: SeriesType[Any]) SeriesType[bool] ¶
Compare a string column and date column, value-wise.
This tries to convert a string column to a date column and compare that way.
- Parameters:
col_1 (Pandas.Series) – The first column to look at
col_2 (Pandas.Series) – The second column
- Returns:
A series of Boolean values. True == the values match, False == the values don’t match.
- Return type:
- datacompy.core.generate_id_within_group(dataframe: DataFrame, join_columns: List[str]) SeriesType[int] ¶
Generate an ID column that can be used to deduplicate identical rows.
The series generated is the order within a unique group, and it handles nulls.
- Parameters:
dataframe (Pandas.DataFrame) – The dataframe to operate on
join_columns (list) – List of strings which are the join columns
- Returns:
The ID column that’s unique in each group.
- Return type:
- datacompy.core.get_merged_columns(original_df: DataFrame, merged_df: DataFrame, suffix: str) List[str] ¶
Get the columns from an original dataframe, in the new merged dataframe.
- Parameters:
original_df (Pandas.DataFrame) – The original, pre-merge dataframe
merged_df (Pandas.DataFrame) – Post-merge with another dataframe, with suffixes added in.
suffix (str) – What suffix was used to distinguish when the original dataframe was overlapping with the other merged dataframe.
- datacompy.core.render(filename: str, *fields: int | float | str) str ¶
Render out an individual template.
This basically just reads in a template file, and applies
on the fields.- Parameters:
filename (str) – The file that contains the template. Will automagically prepend the templates directory before opening
fields (list) – Fields to be rendered out in the template
- Returns:
The fully rendered out file.
- Return type:
datacompy.fugue module¶
Compare two DataFrames that are supported by Fugue.
- datacompy.fugue.all_columns_match(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame) bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to check
- Returns:
Boolean indicating whether the columns all match in the dataframes
- Return type:
- datacompy.fugue.all_rows_overlap(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame, join_columns: str | List[str], abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True, parallelism: int | None = None, strict_schema: bool = False) bool ¶
Check if the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
parallelism (int, optional) – An integer representing the amount of parallelism. Entering a value for this will force to use of Fugue over just vanilla Pandas
strict_schema (bool, optional) – The schema must match exactly if set to
. This includes the names and types. Allows for a fast fail.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- datacompy.fugue.count_matching_rows(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame, join_columns: str | List[str], abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True, parallelism: int | None = None, strict_schema: bool = False) int ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
parallelism (int, optional) – An integer representing the amount of parallelism. Entering a value for this will force to use of Fugue over just vanilla Pandas
strict_schema (bool, optional) – The schema must match exactly if set to
. This includes the names and types. Allows for a fast fail.
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- datacompy.fugue.intersect_columns(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame) OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to check
- Returns:
Set of that are shared between the two dataframes
- Return type:
- datacompy.fugue.is_match(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame, join_columns: str | List[str], abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True, parallelism: int | None = None, strict_schema: bool = False) bool ¶
Check whether two dataframes match.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
parallelism (int, optional) – An integer representing the amount of parallelism. Entering a value for this will force to use of Fugue over just vanilla Pandas
strict_schema (bool, optional) – The schema must match exactly if set to
. This includes the names and types. Allows for a fast fail.
- Returns:
Returns boolean as to if the DataFrames match.
- Return type:
- AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame, join_columns: str | List[str], abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True, sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None, parallelism: int | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
parallelism (int, optional) – An integer representing the amount of parallelism. Entering a value for this will force to use of Fugue over just vanilla Pandas
strict_schema (bool, optional) – The schema must match exactly if set to
. This includes the names and types. Allows for a fast fail.sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- datacompy.fugue.unq_columns(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame) OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to check
- Returns:
Set of columns that are unique to df1
- Return type:
datacompy.polars module¶
Compare two Polars DataFrames.
Originally this package was meant to provide similar functionality to PROC COMPARE in SAS - i.e. human-readable reporting on the difference between two dataframes.
- class datacompy.polars.PolarsCompare(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame, join_columns: List[str] | str, abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True)¶
Comparison class to be used to compare whether two dataframes as equal.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
df1 (Polars
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (Polars
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
- Variables:
df1_unq_rows (Polars
) – All records that are only in df1 (based on a join on join_columns)df2_unq_rows (Polars
) – All records that are only in df2 (based on a join on join_columns)
- all_columns_match() bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Get all rows with any columns that have a mismatch.
Returns all df1 and df2 versions of the columns and join columns.
- Parameters:
ignore_matching_cols (bool, optional) – Whether showing the matching columns in the output or not. The default is False.
- Returns:
All rows of the intersection dataframe, containing any columns, that don’t match.
- Return type:
- all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Whether the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- count_matching_rows() int ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- property df1: DataFrame¶
Get the first dataframe.
- df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- property df2: DataFrame¶
Get the second dataframe.
- df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check whether the intersect rows all match.
- matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Return True or False if the dataframes match.
- Parameters:
ignore_extra_columns (bool) – Ignores any columns in one dataframe and not in the other.
- Returns:
True or False if the dataframes match.
- Return type:
- report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
- Parameters:
sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) DataFrame | None ¶
Return sample mismatches.
Get a sub-dataframe which contains the identifying columns, and df1 and df2 versions of the column.
- Parameters:
column (str) – The raw column name (i.e. without
appended)sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
for_display (bool, optional) – Whether this is just going to be used for display (overwrite the column names)
- Returns:
Polars.DataFrame – A sample of the intersection dataframe, containing only the “pertinent” columns, for rows that don’t match on the provided column.
None – When the column being requested is not an intersecting column between dataframes.
- subset() bool ¶
Return True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
Dataframe 2 is considered a subset if all of its columns are in dataframe 1, and all of its rows match rows in dataframe 1 for the shared columns.
- Returns:
True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
- Return type:
- datacompy.polars.calculate_max_diff(col_1: Series, col_2: Series) float ¶
Get a maximum difference between two columns.
- Parameters:
col_1 (Polars.Series) – The first column
col_2 (Polars.Series) – The second column
- Returns:
Numeric field, or zero.
- Return type:
- datacompy.polars.columns_equal(col_1: Series, col_2: Series, rel_tol: float = 0, abs_tol: float = 0, ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False) Series ¶
Compare two columns from a dataframe.
Returns a True/False series, with the same index as column 1.
Two nulls (np.nan) will evaluate to True.
A null and a non-null value will evaluate to False.
Numeric values will use the relative and absolute tolerances.
Decimal values (decimal.Decimal) will attempt to be converted to floats before comparing
Non-numeric values (i.e. where np.isclose can’t be used) will just trigger True on two nulls or exact matches.
- Parameters:
col_1 (Polars.Series) – The first column to look at
col_2 (Polars.Series) – The second column
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
- Returns:
A series of Boolean values. True == the values match, False == the values don’t match.
- Return type:
- datacompy.polars.compare_string_and_date_columns(col_1: Series, col_2: Series) Series ¶
Compare a string column and date column, value-wise.
This tries to convert a string column to a date column and compare that way.
- Parameters:
col_1 (Polars.Series) – The first column to look at
col_2 (Polars.Series) – The second column
- Returns:
A series of Boolean values. True == the values match, False == the values don’t match.
- Return type:
- datacompy.polars.generate_id_within_group(dataframe: DataFrame, join_columns: List[str]) Series ¶
Generate an ID column that can be used to deduplicate identical rows.
The series generated is the order within a unique group, and it handles nulls.
- Parameters:
dataframe (Polars.DataFrame) – The dataframe to operate on
join_columns (list) – List of strings which are the join columns
- Returns:
The ID column that’s unique in each group.
- Return type:
- datacompy.polars.get_merged_columns(original_df: DataFrame, merged_df: DataFrame, suffix: str) List[str] ¶
Get the columns from an original dataframe, in the new merged dataframe.
- Parameters:
original_df (Polars.DataFrame) – The original, pre-merge dataframe
merged_df (Polars.DataFrame) – Post-merge with another dataframe, with suffixes added in.
suffix (str) – What suffix was used to distinguish when the original dataframe was overlapping with the other merged dataframe.
- datacompy.polars.render(filename: str, *fields: int | float | str) str ¶
Render out an individual template.
This basically just reads in a template file, and applies
on the fields.- Parameters:
filename (str) – The file that contains the template. Will automagically prepend the templates directory before opening
fields (list) – Fields to be rendered out in the template
- Returns:
The fully rendered out file.
- Return type:
datacompy.snowflake module¶
Compare two Snowpark SQL DataFrames and Snowflake tables.
Originally this package was meant to provide similar functionality to PROC COMPARE in SAS - i.e. human-readable reporting on the difference between two dataframes.
- class datacompy.snowflake.SnowflakeCompare(session: Session, df1: str | DataFrame, df2: str | DataFrame, join_columns: List[str] | str | None, abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str | None = None, df2_name: str | None = None, ignore_spaces: bool = False)¶
Comparison class to be used to compare whether two Snowpark dataframes are equal.
df1 and df2 can refer to either a Snowpark dataframe or the name of a valid Snowflake table. The data structures which df1 and df2 represent must contain all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
session (snowflake.snowpark.session) – Session with the required connection session info for user and targeted tables
df1 (Union[str, sp.Dataframe]) – First table to check, provided either as the table’s name or as a Snowpark DF.
df2 (Union[str, sp.Dataframe]) – Second table to check, provided either as the table’s name or as a Snowpark DF.
join_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. If used alongside a snowflake table, overrides the default convention of naming the dataframe after the table.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe.
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns).
- Variables:
df1_unq_rows (sp.DataFrame) – All records that are only in df1 (based on a join on join_columns)
df2_unq_rows (sp.DataFrame) – All records that are only in df2 (based on a join on join_columns)
- all_columns_match() bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all columns in df1 are in df2 and vice versa
- all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Get all rows with any columns that have a mismatch.
Returns all df1 and df2 versions of the columns and join columns.
- Parameters:
ignore_matching_cols (bool, optional) – Whether showing the matching columns in the output or not. The default is False.
- Returns:
All rows of the intersection dataframe, containing any columns, that don’t match.
- Return type:
- all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Whether the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- count_matching_rows() int ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- property df1: DataFrame¶
Get the first dataframe.
- df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- property df2: DataFrame¶
Get the second dataframe.
- df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check whether the intersect rows all match.
- matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Return True or False if the dataframes match.
- Parameters:
ignore_extra_columns (bool) – Ignores any columns in one dataframe and not in the other.
- Returns:
True or False if the dataframes match.
- Return type:
- report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
- Parameters:
sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Return sample mismatches.
Gets a sub-dataframe which contains the identifying columns, and df1 and df2 versions of the column.
- Parameters:
column (str) – The raw column name (i.e. without
appended)sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
for_display (bool, optional) – Whether this is just going to be used for display (overwrite the column names)
- Returns:
A sample of the intersection dataframe, containing only the “pertinent” columns, for rows that don’t match on the provided column.
- Return type:
- subset() bool ¶
Return True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
Dataframe 2 is considered a subset if all of its columns are in dataframe 1, and all of its rows match rows in dataframe 1 for the shared columns.
- Returns:
True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
- Return type:
- datacompy.snowflake.calculate_max_diff(dataframe: DataFrame, col_1: str, col_2: str) float ¶
Get a maximum difference between two columns.
- Parameters:
dataframe (sp.DataFrame) – DataFrame to do comparison on
col_1 (str) – The first column to look at
col_2 (str) – The second column
- Returns:
max diff
- Return type:
- datacompy.snowflake.calculate_null_diff(dataframe: DataFrame, col_1: str, col_2: str) int ¶
Get the null differences between two columns.
- Parameters:
dataframe (sp.DataFrame) – DataFrame to do comparison on
col_1 (str) – The first column to look at
col_2 (str) – The second column
- Returns:
null diff
- Return type:
- datacompy.snowflake.columns_equal(dataframe: DataFrame, col_1: str, col_2: str, col_match: str, rel_tol: float = 0, abs_tol: float = 0, ignore_spaces: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Compare two columns from a dataframe.
Returns a True/False series with the same index as column 1.
Two nulls (np.nan) will evaluate to True.
A null and a non-null value will evaluate to False.
Numeric values will use the relative and absolute tolerances.
Decimal values (decimal.Decimal) will attempt to be converted to floats before comparing
Non-numeric values (i.e. where np.isclose can’t be used) will just trigger True on two nulls or exact matches.
- Parameters:
dataframe (sp.DataFrame) – DataFrame to do comparison on
col_1 (str) – The first column to look at
col_2 (str) – The second column
col_match (str) – The matching column denoting if the compare was a match or not
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns
- Returns:
A column of boolean values are added. True == the values match, False == the values don’t match.
- Return type:
- datacompy.snowflake.get_merged_columns(original_df: DataFrame, merged_df: DataFrame, suffix: str) List[str] ¶
Get the columns from an original dataframe, in the new merged dataframe.
- Parameters:
original_df (sp.DataFrame) – The original, pre-merge dataframe
merged_df (sp.DataFrame) – Post-merge with another dataframe, with suffixes added in.
suffix (str) – What suffix was used to distinguish when the original dataframe was overlapping with the other merged dataframe.
- Returns:
Column list of the original dataframe pre suffix
- Return type:
- datacompy.snowflake.render(filename: str, *fields: int | float | str) str ¶
Render out an individual template.
This basically just reads in a template file, and applies
on the fields.- Parameters:
filename (str) – The file that contains the template. Will automagically prepend the templates directory before opening
fields (list) – Fields to be rendered out in the template
- Returns:
The fully rendered out file.
- Return type:
- datacompy.snowflake.temp_column_name(*dataframes) str ¶
Get a temp column name that isn’t included in columns of any dataframes.
- Parameters:
dataframes (list of DataFrames) – The DataFrames to create a temporary column name for
- Returns:
String column name that looks like ‘_temp_x’ for some integer x
- Return type:
Module contents¶
DataComPy is a package to compare two Pandas DataFrames.
Originally started to be something of a replacement for SAS’s PROC COMPARE for Pandas DataFrames with some more functionality than just Pandas.DataFrame.equals(Pandas.DataFrame) (in that it prints out some stats, and lets you tweak how accurate matches have to be). Then extended to carry that functionality over to Spark Dataframes.
- class datacompy.BaseCompare¶
Base comparison class.
- abstract all_columns_match() bool ¶
Check if all columns match.
- abstract all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) Any ¶
Get all rows that mismatch.
- abstract all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Check if all rows overlap.
- abstract count_matching_rows() int ¶
Count the number of matching rows.
- abstract property df1: Any¶
Get the first dataframe.
- abstract df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- abstract property df2: Any¶
Get the second dataframe.
- abstract df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- abstract intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- abstract intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check if the intersection of rows match.
- abstract matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Check if the dataframes match.
- only_join_columns() bool ¶
Boolean on if the only columns are the join columns.
- abstract report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
- abstract sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) Any ¶
Get a sample of rows that mismatch.
- abstract subset() bool ¶
Check if one dataframe is a subset of the other.
- class datacompy.Compare(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame, join_columns: List[str] | str | None = None, on_index: bool = False, abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True)¶
Comparison class to be used to compare whether two dataframes as equal.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
df1 (pandas
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (pandas
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
on_index (bool, optional) – If True, the index will be used to join the two dataframes. If both
are provided, an exception will be raised.abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
- Variables:
df1_unq_rows (pandas
) – All records that are only in df1 (based on a join on join_columns)df2_unq_rows (pandas
) – All records that are only in df2 (based on a join on join_columns)
- all_columns_match() bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Get all rows with any columns that have a mismatch.
Returns all df1 and df2 versions of the columns and join columns.
- Parameters:
ignore_matching_cols (bool, optional) – Whether showing the matching columns in the output or not. The default is False.
- Returns:
All rows of the intersection dataframe, containing any columns, that don’t match.
- Return type:
- all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Whether the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- count_matching_rows() int ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- property df1: DataFrame¶
Get the first dataframe.
- df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- property df2: DataFrame¶
Get the second dataframe.
- df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check whether the intersect rows all match.
- matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Return True or False if the dataframes match.
- Parameters:
ignore_extra_columns (bool) – Ignores any columns in one dataframe and not in the other.
- Returns:
True or False if the dataframes match.
- Return type:
- report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
- Parameters:
sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) DataFrame | None ¶
Return sample mismatches.
Gets a sub-dataframe which contains the identifying columns, and df1 and df2 versions of the column.
- Parameters:
column (str) – The raw column name (i.e. without
appended)sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
for_display (bool, optional) – Whether this is just going to be used for display (overwrite the column names)
- Returns:
Pandas.DataFrame – A sample of the intersection dataframe, containing only the “pertinent” columns, for rows that don’t match on the provided column.
None – When the column being requested is not an intersecting column between dataframes.
- subset() bool ¶
Return True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
Dataframe 2 is considered a subset if all of its columns are in dataframe 1, and all of its rows match rows in dataframe 1 for the shared columns.
- Returns:
True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
- Return type:
- class datacompy.PolarsCompare(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame, join_columns: List[str] | str, abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True)¶
Comparison class to be used to compare whether two dataframes as equal.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
df1 (Polars
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (Polars
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
- Variables:
df1_unq_rows (Polars
) – All records that are only in df1 (based on a join on join_columns)df2_unq_rows (Polars
) – All records that are only in df2 (based on a join on join_columns)
- all_columns_match() bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Get all rows with any columns that have a mismatch.
Returns all df1 and df2 versions of the columns and join columns.
- Parameters:
ignore_matching_cols (bool, optional) – Whether showing the matching columns in the output or not. The default is False.
- Returns:
All rows of the intersection dataframe, containing any columns, that don’t match.
- Return type:
- all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Whether the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- count_matching_rows() int ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- property df1: DataFrame¶
Get the first dataframe.
- df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- property df2: DataFrame¶
Get the second dataframe.
- df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check whether the intersect rows all match.
- matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Return True or False if the dataframes match.
- Parameters:
ignore_extra_columns (bool) – Ignores any columns in one dataframe and not in the other.
- Returns:
True or False if the dataframes match.
- Return type:
- report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
- Parameters:
sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) DataFrame | None ¶
Return sample mismatches.
Get a sub-dataframe which contains the identifying columns, and df1 and df2 versions of the column.
- Parameters:
column (str) – The raw column name (i.e. without
appended)sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
for_display (bool, optional) – Whether this is just going to be used for display (overwrite the column names)
- Returns:
Polars.DataFrame – A sample of the intersection dataframe, containing only the “pertinent” columns, for rows that don’t match on the provided column.
None – When the column being requested is not an intersecting column between dataframes.
- subset() bool ¶
Return True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
Dataframe 2 is considered a subset if all of its columns are in dataframe 1, and all of its rows match rows in dataframe 1 for the shared columns.
- Returns:
True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
- Return type:
- class datacompy.SnowflakeCompare(session: Session, df1: str | DataFrame, df2: str | DataFrame, join_columns: List[str] | str | None, abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str | None = None, df2_name: str | None = None, ignore_spaces: bool = False)¶
Comparison class to be used to compare whether two Snowpark dataframes are equal.
df1 and df2 can refer to either a Snowpark dataframe or the name of a valid Snowflake table. The data structures which df1 and df2 represent must contain all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
session (snowflake.snowpark.session) – Session with the required connection session info for user and targeted tables
df1 (Union[str, sp.Dataframe]) – First table to check, provided either as the table’s name or as a Snowpark DF.
df2 (Union[str, sp.Dataframe]) – Second table to check, provided either as the table’s name or as a Snowpark DF.
join_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. If used alongside a snowflake table, overrides the default convention of naming the dataframe after the table.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe.
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns).
- Variables:
df1_unq_rows (sp.DataFrame) – All records that are only in df1 (based on a join on join_columns)
df2_unq_rows (sp.DataFrame) – All records that are only in df2 (based on a join on join_columns)
- all_columns_match() bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all columns in df1 are in df2 and vice versa
- all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Get all rows with any columns that have a mismatch.
Returns all df1 and df2 versions of the columns and join columns.
- Parameters:
ignore_matching_cols (bool, optional) – Whether showing the matching columns in the output or not. The default is False.
- Returns:
All rows of the intersection dataframe, containing any columns, that don’t match.
- Return type:
- all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Whether the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- count_matching_rows() int ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- property df1: DataFrame¶
Get the first dataframe.
- df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- property df2: DataFrame¶
Get the second dataframe.
- df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check whether the intersect rows all match.
- matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Return True or False if the dataframes match.
- Parameters:
ignore_extra_columns (bool) – Ignores any columns in one dataframe and not in the other.
- Returns:
True or False if the dataframes match.
- Return type:
- report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
- Parameters:
sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Return sample mismatches.
Gets a sub-dataframe which contains the identifying columns, and df1 and df2 versions of the column.
- Parameters:
column (str) – The raw column name (i.e. without
appended)sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
for_display (bool, optional) – Whether this is just going to be used for display (overwrite the column names)
- Returns:
A sample of the intersection dataframe, containing only the “pertinent” columns, for rows that don’t match on the provided column.
- Return type:
- subset() bool ¶
Return True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
Dataframe 2 is considered a subset if all of its columns are in dataframe 1, and all of its rows match rows in dataframe 1 for the shared columns.
- Returns:
True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
- Return type:
- class datacompy.SparkPandasCompare(df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame, join_columns: List[str] | str, abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True)¶
Comparison class to be used to compare whether two Pandas on Spark dataframes are equal.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
df1 (pyspark.pandas.frame.DataFrame) – First dataframe to check
df2 (pyspark.pandas.frame.DataFrame) – Second dataframe to check
join_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
- Variables:
df1_unq_rows (pyspark.pandas.frame.DataFrame) – All records that are only in df1 (based on a join on join_columns)
df2_unq_rows (pyspark.pandas.frame.DataFrame) – All records that are only in df2 (based on a join on join_columns)
- all_columns_match() bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Get all rows with any columns that have a mismatch.
Returns all df1 and df2 versions of the columns and join columns.
- Parameters:
ignore_matching_cols (bool, optional) – Whether showing the matching columns in the output or not. The default is False.
- Returns:
All rows of the intersection dataframe, containing any columns, that don’t match.
- Return type:
- all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Whether the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- count_matching_rows() bool ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- property df1: DataFrame¶
Get the first dataframe.
- df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- property df2: DataFrame¶
Get the second dataframe.
- df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check whether the intersect rows all match.
- matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Return True or False if the dataframes match.
- Parameters:
ignore_extra_columns (bool) – Ignores any columns in one dataframe and not in the other.
- report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
- Parameters:
sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Return sample mismatches.
Gets a sub-dataframe which contains the identifying columns, and df1 and df2 versions of the column.
- Parameters:
column (str) – The raw column name (i.e. without
appended)sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
for_display (bool, optional) – Whether this is just going to be used for display (overwrite the column names)
- Returns:
A sample of the intersection dataframe, containing only the “pertinent” columns, for rows that don’t match on the provided column.
- Return type:
- subset() bool ¶
Return True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
Dataframe 2 is considered a subset if all of its columns are in dataframe 1, and all of its rows match rows in dataframe 1 for the shared columns.
- Returns:
True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
- Return type:
- class datacompy.SparkSQLCompare(spark_session: SparkSession, df1: DataFrame, df2: DataFrame, join_columns: List[str] | str, abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True)¶
Comparison class to be used to compare whether two Spark SQL dataframes are equal.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
spark_session (pyspark.sql.SparkSession) – A
to be used to execute Spark commands in the comparison.df1 (pyspark.sql.DataFrame) – First dataframe to check
df2 (pyspark.sql.DataFrame) – Second dataframe to check
join_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
- Variables:
df1_unq_rows (pyspark.sql.DataFrame) – All records that are only in df1 (based on a join on join_columns)
df2_unq_rows (pyspark.sql.DataFrame) – All records that are only in df2 (based on a join on join_columns)
intersect_rows (pyspark.sql.DataFrame) – All records that are in both df1 and df2
- all_columns_match() bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all columns in df1 are in df2 and vice versa
- Return type:
- all_mismatch(ignore_matching_cols: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Get all rows with any columns that have a mismatch.
Returns all df1 and df2 versions of the columns and join columns.
- Parameters:
ignore_matching_cols (bool, optional) – Whether showing the matching columns in the output or not. The default is False.
- Returns:
All rows of the intersection dataframe, containing any columns, that don’t match.
- Return type:
- all_rows_overlap() bool ¶
Whether the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- count_matching_rows() int ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- property df1: DataFrame¶
Get the first dataframe.
- df1_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- property df2: DataFrame¶
Get the second dataframe.
- df2_unq_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df2.
- intersect_columns() OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- intersect_rows_match() bool ¶
Check whether the intersect rows all match.
- matches(ignore_extra_columns: bool = False) bool ¶
Return True or False if the dataframes match.
- Parameters:
ignore_extra_columns (bool) – Ignores any columns in one dataframe and not in the other.
- report(sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
- Parameters:
sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- sample_mismatch(column: str, sample_count: int = 10, for_display: bool = False) DataFrame ¶
Return sample mismatches.
Gets a sub-dataframe which contains the identifying columns, and df1 and df2 versions of the column.
- Parameters:
column (str) – The raw column name (i.e. without
appended)sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
for_display (bool, optional) – Whether this is just going to be used for display (overwrite the column names)
- Returns:
A sample of the intersection dataframe, containing only the “pertinent” columns, for rows that don’t match on the provided column.
- Return type:
- subset() bool ¶
Return True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
Dataframe 2 is considered a subset if all of its columns are in dataframe 1, and all of its rows match rows in dataframe 1 for the shared columns.
- Returns:
True if dataframe 2 is a subset of dataframe 1.
- Return type:
- datacompy.all_columns_match(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame) bool ¶
Whether the columns all match in the dataframes.
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to check
- Returns:
Boolean indicating whether the columns all match in the dataframes
- Return type:
- datacompy.all_rows_overlap(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame, join_columns: str | List[str], abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True, parallelism: int | None = None, strict_schema: bool = False) bool ¶
Check if the rows are all present in both dataframes.
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
parallelism (int, optional) – An integer representing the amount of parallelism. Entering a value for this will force to use of Fugue over just vanilla Pandas
strict_schema (bool, optional) – The schema must match exactly if set to
. This includes the names and types. Allows for a fast fail.
- Returns:
True if all rows in df1 are in df2 and vice versa (based on existence for join option)
- Return type:
- datacompy.calculate_max_diff(col_1: SeriesType[Any], col_2: SeriesType[Any]) float ¶
Get a maximum difference between two columns.
- Parameters:
col_1 (Pandas.Series) – The first column
col_2 (Pandas.Series) – The second column
- Returns:
Numeric field, or zero.
- Return type:
- datacompy.columns_equal(col_1: SeriesType[Any], col_2: SeriesType[Any], rel_tol: float = 0, abs_tol: float = 0, ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False) SeriesType[bool] ¶
Compare two columns from a dataframe.
Returns a True/False series, with the same index as column 1.
Two nulls (np.nan) will evaluate to True.
A null and a non-null value will evaluate to False.
Numeric values will use the relative and absolute tolerances.
Decimal values (decimal.Decimal) will attempt to be converted to floats before comparing
Non-numeric values (i.e. where np.isclose can’t be used) will just trigger True on two nulls or exact matches.
As of version
If a column is of a mixed data type the compare will default to returningFalse
.- Parameters:
col_1 (Pandas.Series) – The first column to look at
col_2 (Pandas.Series) – The second column
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
- Returns:
A series of Boolean values. True == the values match, False == the values don’t match.
- Return type:
- datacompy.compare_string_and_date_columns(col_1: SeriesType[Any], col_2: SeriesType[Any]) SeriesType[bool] ¶
Compare a string column and date column, value-wise.
This tries to convert a string column to a date column and compare that way.
- Parameters:
col_1 (Pandas.Series) – The first column to look at
col_2 (Pandas.Series) – The second column
- Returns:
A series of Boolean values. True == the values match, False == the values don’t match.
- Return type:
- datacompy.count_matching_rows(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame, join_columns: str | List[str], abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True, parallelism: int | None = None, strict_schema: bool = False) int ¶
Count the number of rows match (on overlapping fields).
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
parallelism (int, optional) – An integer representing the amount of parallelism. Entering a value for this will force to use of Fugue over just vanilla Pandas
strict_schema (bool, optional) – The schema must match exactly if set to
. This includes the names and types. Allows for a fast fail.
- Returns:
Number of matching rows
- Return type:
- datacompy.generate_id_within_group(dataframe: DataFrame, join_columns: List[str]) SeriesType[int] ¶
Generate an ID column that can be used to deduplicate identical rows.
The series generated is the order within a unique group, and it handles nulls.
- Parameters:
dataframe (Pandas.DataFrame) – The dataframe to operate on
join_columns (list) – List of strings which are the join columns
- Returns:
The ID column that’s unique in each group.
- Return type:
- datacompy.get_merged_columns(original_df: DataFrame, merged_df: DataFrame, suffix: str) List[str] ¶
Get the columns from an original dataframe, in the new merged dataframe.
- Parameters:
original_df (Pandas.DataFrame) – The original, pre-merge dataframe
merged_df (Pandas.DataFrame) – Post-merge with another dataframe, with suffixes added in.
suffix (str) – What suffix was used to distinguish when the original dataframe was overlapping with the other merged dataframe.
- datacompy.intersect_columns(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame) OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are shared between the two dataframes.
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to check
- Returns:
Set of that are shared between the two dataframes
- Return type:
- datacompy.is_match(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame, join_columns: str | List[str], abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True, parallelism: int | None = None, strict_schema: bool = False) bool ¶
Check whether two dataframes match.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str, optional) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
parallelism (int, optional) – An integer representing the amount of parallelism. Entering a value for this will force to use of Fugue over just vanilla Pandas
strict_schema (bool, optional) – The schema must match exactly if set to
. This includes the names and types. Allows for a fast fail.
- Returns:
Returns boolean as to if the DataFrames match.
- Return type:
- datacompy.render(filename: str, *fields: int | float | str) str ¶
Render out an individual template.
This basically just reads in a template file, and applies
on the fields.- Parameters:
filename (str) – The file that contains the template. Will automagically prepend the templates directory before opening
fields (list) – Fields to be rendered out in the template
- Returns:
The fully rendered out file.
- Return type:
- AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame, join_columns: str | List[str], abs_tol: float = 0, rel_tol: float = 0, df1_name: str = 'df1', df2_name: str = 'df2', ignore_spaces: bool = False, ignore_case: bool = False, cast_column_names_lower: bool = True, sample_count: int = 10, column_count: int = 10, html_file: str | None = None, parallelism: int | None = None) str ¶
Return a string representation of a report.
The representation can then be printed or saved to a file.
Both df1 and df2 should be dataframes containing all of the join_columns, with unique column names. Differences between values are compared to abs_tol + rel_tol * abs(df2[‘value’]).
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to checkjoin_columns (list or str) – Column(s) to join dataframes on. If a string is passed in, that one column will be used.
abs_tol (float, optional) – Absolute tolerance between two values.
rel_tol (float, optional) – Relative tolerance between two values.
df1_name (str, optional) – A string name for the first dataframe. This allows the reporting to print out an actual name instead of “df1”, and allows human users to more easily track the dataframes.
df2_name (str, optional) – A string name for the second dataframe
ignore_spaces (bool, optional) – Flag to strip whitespace (including newlines) from string columns (including any join columns)
ignore_case (bool, optional) – Flag to ignore the case of string columns
cast_column_names_lower (bool, optional) – Boolean indicator that controls of column names will be cast into lower case
parallelism (int, optional) – An integer representing the amount of parallelism. Entering a value for this will force to use of Fugue over just vanilla Pandas
strict_schema (bool, optional) – The schema must match exactly if set to
. This includes the names and types. Allows for a fast fail.sample_count (int, optional) – The number of sample records to return. Defaults to 10.
column_count (int, optional) – The number of columns to display in the sample records output. Defaults to 10.
html_file (str, optional) – HTML file name to save report output to. If
the file creation will be skipped.
- Returns:
The report, formatted kinda nicely.
- Return type:
- datacompy.temp_column_name(*dataframes) str ¶
Get a temp column name that isn’t included in columns of any dataframes.
- Parameters:
dataframes (list of DataFrames) – The DataFrames to create a temporary column name for
- Returns:
String column name that looks like ‘_temp_x’ for some integer x
- Return type:
- datacompy.unq_columns(df1: AnyDataFrame, df2: AnyDataFrame) OrderedSet[str] ¶
Get columns that are unique to df1.
- Parameters:
df1 (
) – First dataframe to checkdf2 (
) – Second dataframe to check
- Returns:
Set of columns that are unique to df1
- Return type: