Spark Usage#


With version v0.9.0 SparkCompare now uses Null Safe (<=>) comparisons

DataComPy’s SparkCompare class will join two dataframes either on a list of join columns. It has the capability to map column names that may be different in each dataframe, including in the join columns. You are responsible for creating the dataframes from any source which Spark can handle and specifying a unique join key. If there are duplicates in either dataframe by join key, the match process will remove the duplicates before joining (and tell you how many duplicates were found).

As with the Pandas-based Compare class, comparisons will be attempted even if dtypes don’t match. Any schema differences will be reported in the output as well as in any mismatch reports, so that you can assess whether or not a type mismatch is a problem or not.

The main reasons why you would choose to use SparkCompare over Compare are that your data is too large to fit into memory, or you’re comparing data that works well in a Spark environment, like partitioned Parquet, CSV, or JSON files, or Cerebro tables.

Basic Usage#

import datetime
import datacompy
from pyspark.sql import Row

# This example assumes you have a SparkSession named "spark" in your environment, as you
# do when running `pyspark` from the terminal or in a Databricks notebook (Spark v2.0 and higher)

data1 = [
    Row(acct_id=10000001234, dollar_amt=123.45, name='George Maharis', float_fld=14530.1555,, 1, 1)),
    Row(acct_id=10000001235, dollar_amt=0.45, name='Michael Bluth', float_fld=1.0,, 1, 1)),
    Row(acct_id=10000001236, dollar_amt=1345.0, name='George Bluth', float_fld=None,, 1, 1)),
    Row(acct_id=10000001237, dollar_amt=123456.0, name='Bob Loblaw', float_fld=345.12,, 1, 1)),
    Row(acct_id=10000001239, dollar_amt=1.05, name='Lucille Bluth', float_fld=None,, 1, 1))

data2 = [
    Row(acct_id=10000001234, dollar_amt=123.4, name='George Michael Bluth', float_fld=14530.155),
    Row(acct_id=10000001235, dollar_amt=0.45, name='Michael Bluth', float_fld=None),
    Row(acct_id=10000001236, dollar_amt=1345.0, name='George Bluth', float_fld=1.0),
    Row(acct_id=10000001237, dollar_amt=123456.0, name='Robert Loblaw', float_fld=345.12),
    Row(acct_id=10000001238, dollar_amt=1.05, name='Loose Seal Bluth', float_fld=111.0)

base_df = spark.createDataFrame(data1)
compare_df = spark.createDataFrame(data2)

comparison = datacompy.SparkCompare(spark, base_df, compare_df, join_columns=['acct_id'])

# This prints out a human-readable report summarizing differences

Using SparkCompare on EMR or standalone Spark#

  1. Set proxy variables

  2. Create a virtual environment, if desired (virtualenv venv; source venv/bin/activate)

  3. Pip install datacompy and requirements

  4. Ensure your SPARK_HOME environment variable is set (this is probably /usr/lib/spark but may differ based on your installation)

  5. Augment your PYTHONPATH environment variable with export PYTHONPATH=$SPARK_HOME/python/lib/$SPARK_HOME/python:$PYTHONPATH (note that your version of py4j may differ depending on the version of Spark you’re using)

Using SparkCompare on Databricks#

  1. Clone this repository locally

  2. Create a datacompy egg by running python bdist_egg from the repo root directory.

  3. From the Databricks front page, click the “Library” link under the “New” section.

  4. On the New library page:
    1. Change source to “Upload Python Egg or PyPi”

    2. Under “Upload Egg”, Library Name should be “datacompy”

    3. Drag the egg file in datacompy/dist/ to the “Drop library egg here to upload” box

    4. Click the “Create Library” button

  5. Once the library has been created, from the library page (which you can find in your /Users/{login} workspace), you can choose clusters to attach the library to.

  6. import datacompy in a notebook attached to the cluster that the library is attached to and enjoy!

Performance Implications#

Spark scales incredibly well, so you can use SparkCompare to compare billions of rows of data, provided you spin up a big enough cluster. Still, joining billions of rows of data is an inherently large task, so there are a couple of things you may want to take into consideration when getting into the cliched realm of “big data”:

  • SparkCompare will compare all columns in common in the dataframes and report on the rest. If there are columns in the data that you don’t care to compare, use a select statement/method on the dataframe(s) to filter those out. Particularly when reading from wide Parquet files, this can make a huge difference when the columns you don’t care about don’t have to be read into memory and included in the joined dataframe.

  • For large datasets, adding cache_intermediates=True to the SparkCompare call can help optimize performance by caching certain intermediate dataframes in memory, like the de-duped version of each input dataset, or the joined dataframe. Otherwise, Spark’s lazy evaluation will recompute those each time it needs the data in a report or as you access instance attributes. This may be fine for smaller dataframes, but will be costly for larger ones. You do need to ensure that you have enough free cache memory before you do this, so this parameter is set to False by default.

Known Differences#

For cases when two dataframes are expected to differ, it can be helpful to cluster detected differences into three categories: matches, known differences, and true mismatches. Known differences can be specified through an optional parameter:

SparkCompare(spark, base_df, compare_df, join_columns=[...], column_mapping=[...],
    known_differences = [
         'name':  "My Known Difference Name",
         'types': ['int', 'bigint'],
         'flags': ['nullcheck'],
         'transformation': "case when {input}=0 then null else {input} end"

The ‘known_differences’ parameter is a list of Python dicts with the following fields:






A user-readable title for this known difference



A list of Spark data types on which this transformation can be applied



Special flags used for computing known differences



Spark SQL function to apply, where {input} is a cell in the comparison

Valid flags are:




Must be set when the output of the transformation can be null

Transformations are applied to the compare side only. A known difference is found when transformation(compare.cell) equals base.cell. An example comparison is shown below.

import datetime
import datacompy
from pyspark.sql import Row

base_data = [
    Row(acct_id=10000001234, acct_sfx_num=0, clsd_reas_cd='*2',, 5, 1), tbal_cd='0001'),
    Row(acct_id=10000001235, acct_sfx_num=0, clsd_reas_cd='V1',, 5, 2), tbal_cd='0002'),
    Row(acct_id=10000001236, acct_sfx_num=0, clsd_reas_cd='V2',, 5, 3), tbal_cd='0003'),
    Row(acct_id=10000001237, acct_sfx_num=0, clsd_reas_cd='*2',, 5, 4), tbal_cd='0004'),
    Row(acct_id=10000001238, acct_sfx_num=0, clsd_reas_cd='*2',, 5, 5), tbal_cd='0005')
base_df = spark.createDataFrame(base_data)

compare_data = [
compare_df = spark.createDataFrame(compare_data)

comparison = datacompy.SparkCompare(spark, base_df, compare_df,
                    join_columns =   [('acct_id', 'ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER'), ('acct_sfx_num', 'SUFFIX_NUMBER')],
                    column_mapping = [('clsd_reas_cd', 'AM00_STATC_CLOSED'),
                                      ('open_dt', 'AM00_DATE_ACCOUNT_OPEN'),
                                      ('tbal_cd', 'AM0B_FC_TBAL')],
                    known_differences= [
                        {'name': 'Left-padded, four-digit numeric code',
                         'types': ['tinyint', 'smallint', 'int', 'bigint', 'float', 'double', 'decimal'],
                         'transformation': "lpad(cast({input} AS bigint), 4, '0')"},
                        {'name': 'Null to *2',
                         'types': ['string'],
                         'transformation': "case when {input} is null then '*2' else {input} end"},
                        {'name': 'Julian date -> date',
                         'types': ['bigint'],
                         'transformation': "to_date(cast(unix_timestamp(cast({input} AS string), 'yyyyDDD') AS timestamp))"}

Corresponding output:

****** Column Summary ******
Number of columns in common with matching schemas: 3
Number of columns in common with schema differences: 2
Number of columns in base but not compare: 0
Number of columns in compare but not base: 0

****** Schema Differences ******
Base Column Name  Compare Column Name     Base Dtype     Compare Dtype
----------------  ----------------------  -------------  -------------
open_dt           AM00_DATE_ACCOUNT_OPEN  date           bigint
tbal_cd           AM0B_FC_TBAL            string         double

****** Row Summary ******
Number of rows in common: 5
Number of rows in base but not compare: 0
Number of rows in compare but not base: 0
Number of duplicate rows found in base: 0
Number of duplicate rows found in compare: 0

****** Row Comparison ******
Number of rows with some columns unequal: 5
Number of rows with all columns equal: 0

****** Column Comparison ******
Number of columns compared with unexpected differences in some values: 1
Number of columns compared with all values equal but known differences found: 2
Number of columns compared with all values completely equal: 0

****** Columns with Unequal Values ******
Base Column Name  Compare Column Name     Base Dtype     Compare Dtype  # Matches  # Known Diffs  # Mismatches
----------------  -------------------     -------------  -------------  ---------  -------------  ------------
clsd_reas_cd      AM00_STATC_CLOSED       string         string                 2              2             1
open_dt           AM00_DATE_ACCOUNT_OPEN  date           bigint                 0              5             0
tbal_cd           AM0B_FC_TBAL            string         double                 0              5             0