FMA Core#

This module consists of aggregation algorithms and experiment requirements which assist in the federated process.


The FMA-Core component is a collection of building blocks use for agnostically building an FMA service. Algorithms and workflows are agnostic in the sense that users can build their own algorithms/workflows and use them in the FMA Service.

Quick start#

For installation:

pip install fma-core


Inside a virtualenv:

make install
make test

For testing and coverage reports:

make test-and-coverage


A sub-part of FMA-Core is FMA-Algorithms. This component is an agnostic implementation of the model aggregation function for the FMA service.


FMA-Workflow is the principal component of the service: gluing together the aggregator, api, model, and metadata connectors for the various parts of the service to communicate with each other.


Loads packages required for the fma-core listed in the settings.
