dataprofiler.labelers.data_labelers module¶
Module to train and choose between structured and unstructured data labelers.
- dataprofiler.labelers.data_labelers.train_structured_labeler(data: None | pd.DataFrame, default_label: int = None, save_dirpath: str = None, epochs: int = 2) TrainableDataLabeler ¶
Use provided data to create and save a structured data labeler.
- Parameters:
data (Union[None, pd.DataFrame]) – data to be trained upon
save_dirpath (Union[None, str]) – path to save data labeler
epochs (int) – number of epochs to loop training the data
- Returns:
structured data labeler
- Return type:
- class dataprofiler.labelers.data_labelers.UnstructuredDataLabeler(dirpath: str | None = None, load_options: dict | None = None)¶
BaseDataLabeler subclass specified as unstructured with internal variable.
Initialize DataLabeler class.
- Parameters:
dirpath – path to data labeler
load_options – optional arguments to include for load i.e. class for model or processors
- add_label(label: str, same_as: str | None = None) None ¶
Add a label to the data labeler.
- Parameters:
label (str) – new label being added to the data labeler
same_as (str) – label to have the same encoding index as for multi-label to single encoding index.
- Returns:
- check_pipeline(skip_postprocessor: bool = False, error_on_mismatch: bool = False) None ¶
Check whether the processors and models connect together without error.
- Parameters:
skip_postprocessor (bool) – skip checking postprocessor is valid in pipeline
error_on_mismatch (bool) – if true, errors instead of warns on parameter mismatches in pipeline
- Returns:
- help() None ¶
Describe alterable parameters.
Input data formats for preprocessors. Output data formats for postprocessors.
- Returns:
- property label_mapping: dict¶
Retrieve the label encodings.
- Returns:
dictionary for associating labels to indexes
- property labels: list[str]¶
Retrieve the label.
- Returns:
list of labels
- classmethod load_from_disk(dirpath: str, load_options: dict | None = None) BaseDataLabeler ¶
Load the data labeler from a saved location on disk.
- Parameters:
dirpath (str) – path to data labeler files.
load_options (dict) – optional arguments to include for load i.e. class for model or processors
- Returns:
DataLabeler class
- Return type:
- classmethod load_from_library(name: str) BaseDataLabeler ¶
Load the data labeler from the data labeler zoo in the library.
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the data labeler.
- Returns:
DataLabeler class
- Return type:
- classmethod load_with_components(preprocessor: BaseDataPreprocessor, model: BaseModel, postprocessor: BaseDataPostprocessor) BaseDataLabeler ¶
Load the data labeler from a its set of components.
- Parameters:
preprocessor (data_processing.BaseDataPreprocessor) – processor to set as the preprocessor
model (base_model.BaseModel) – model to use within the data labeler
postprocessor (data_processing.BaseDataPostprocessor) – processor to set as the postprocessor
- Returns:
loaded BaseDataLabeler
- Return type:
- property postprocessor: data_processing.BaseDataPostprocessor | None¶
Retrieve the data postprocessor.
- Returns:
returns the postprocessor instance
- predict(data: DataFrame | Series | ndarray, batch_size: int = 32, predict_options: dict[str, bool] | None = None, error_on_mismatch: bool = False, verbose: bool = True) dict ¶
Predict labels of input data based with the data labeler model.
- Parameters:
data (Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray]) – data to be predicted upon
batch_size (int) – batch size of prediction
predict_options (Dict[str, bool]) – optional parameters to allow for predict as a dict, i.e. dict(show_confidences=True)
error_on_mismatch (bool) – if true, errors instead of warns on parameter mismatches in pipeline
verbose (bool) – Flag to determine whether to print status or not
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property preprocessor: data_processing.BaseDataPreprocessor | None¶
Retrieve the data preprocessor.
- Returns:
returns the preprocessor instance
- property reverse_label_mapping: dict¶
Retrieve the index to label encoding.
- Returns:
dictionary for associating indexes to labels
- save_to_disk(dirpath: str) None ¶
Save the data labeler to the specified location.
- Parameters:
dirpath (str) – location to save the data labeler.
- Returns:
- set_labels(labels: list | dict) None ¶
Set the labels for the data labeler.
- Parameters:
labels (list or dict) – new labels in either encoding list or dict
- Returns:
- set_model(model: BaseModel) None ¶
Set the model for the data labeler.
- Parameters:
model (base_model.BaseModel) – model to use within the data labeler
- Returns:
- set_params(params: dict) None ¶
Allow user to set parameters of pipeline components.
- Done in the following format:
- params = dict(
preprocessor=dict(…), model=dict(…), postprocessor=dict(…)
where the key,values pairs for each pipeline component must match parameters that exist in their components.
- Parameters:
params (dict) –
dictionary containing a key for a given pipeline component and its associated value of parameters as such:
dict(preprocessor=dict(…), model=dict(…), postprocessor=dict(…))
- Returns:
- set_postprocessor(data_processor: BaseDataPostprocessor) None ¶
Set the data postprocessor for the data labeler.
- Parameters:
data_processor (data_processing.BaseDataPostprocessor) – processor to set as the postprocessor
- Returns:
- set_preprocessor(data_processor: BaseDataPreprocessor) None ¶
Set the data preprocessor for the data labeler.
- Parameters:
data_processor (data_processing.BaseDataPreprocessor) – processor to set as the preprocessor
- Returns:
- class dataprofiler.labelers.data_labelers.StructuredDataLabeler(dirpath: str | None = None, load_options: dict | None = None)¶
BaseDataLabeler subclass specified as structured with internal variable.
Initialize DataLabeler class.
- Parameters:
dirpath – path to data labeler
load_options – optional arguments to include for load i.e. class for model or processors
- add_label(label: str, same_as: str | None = None) None ¶
Add a label to the data labeler.
- Parameters:
label (str) – new label being added to the data labeler
same_as (str) – label to have the same encoding index as for multi-label to single encoding index.
- Returns:
- check_pipeline(skip_postprocessor: bool = False, error_on_mismatch: bool = False) None ¶
Check whether the processors and models connect together without error.
- Parameters:
skip_postprocessor (bool) – skip checking postprocessor is valid in pipeline
error_on_mismatch (bool) – if true, errors instead of warns on parameter mismatches in pipeline
- Returns:
- help() None ¶
Describe alterable parameters.
Input data formats for preprocessors. Output data formats for postprocessors.
- Returns:
- property label_mapping: dict¶
Retrieve the label encodings.
- Returns:
dictionary for associating labels to indexes
- property labels: list[str]¶
Retrieve the label.
- Returns:
list of labels
- classmethod load_from_disk(dirpath: str, load_options: dict | None = None) BaseDataLabeler ¶
Load the data labeler from a saved location on disk.
- Parameters:
dirpath (str) – path to data labeler files.
load_options (dict) – optional arguments to include for load i.e. class for model or processors
- Returns:
DataLabeler class
- Return type:
- classmethod load_from_library(name: str) BaseDataLabeler ¶
Load the data labeler from the data labeler zoo in the library.
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the data labeler.
- Returns:
DataLabeler class
- Return type:
- classmethod load_with_components(preprocessor: BaseDataPreprocessor, model: BaseModel, postprocessor: BaseDataPostprocessor) BaseDataLabeler ¶
Load the data labeler from a its set of components.
- Parameters:
preprocessor (data_processing.BaseDataPreprocessor) – processor to set as the preprocessor
model (base_model.BaseModel) – model to use within the data labeler
postprocessor (data_processing.BaseDataPostprocessor) – processor to set as the postprocessor
- Returns:
loaded BaseDataLabeler
- Return type:
- property postprocessor: data_processing.BaseDataPostprocessor | None¶
Retrieve the data postprocessor.
- Returns:
returns the postprocessor instance
- predict(data: DataFrame | Series | ndarray, batch_size: int = 32, predict_options: dict[str, bool] | None = None, error_on_mismatch: bool = False, verbose: bool = True) dict ¶
Predict labels of input data based with the data labeler model.
- Parameters:
data (Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray]) – data to be predicted upon
batch_size (int) – batch size of prediction
predict_options (Dict[str, bool]) – optional parameters to allow for predict as a dict, i.e. dict(show_confidences=True)
error_on_mismatch (bool) – if true, errors instead of warns on parameter mismatches in pipeline
verbose (bool) – Flag to determine whether to print status or not
- Returns:
- Return type:
- property preprocessor: data_processing.BaseDataPreprocessor | None¶
Retrieve the data preprocessor.
- Returns:
returns the preprocessor instance
- property reverse_label_mapping: dict¶
Retrieve the index to label encoding.
- Returns:
dictionary for associating indexes to labels
- save_to_disk(dirpath: str) None ¶
Save the data labeler to the specified location.
- Parameters:
dirpath (str) – location to save the data labeler.
- Returns:
- set_labels(labels: list | dict) None ¶
Set the labels for the data labeler.
- Parameters:
labels (list or dict) – new labels in either encoding list or dict
- Returns:
- set_model(model: BaseModel) None ¶
Set the model for the data labeler.
- Parameters:
model (base_model.BaseModel) – model to use within the data labeler
- Returns:
- set_params(params: dict) None ¶
Allow user to set parameters of pipeline components.
- Done in the following format:
- params = dict(
preprocessor=dict(…), model=dict(…), postprocessor=dict(…)
where the key,values pairs for each pipeline component must match parameters that exist in their components.
- Parameters:
params (dict) –
dictionary containing a key for a given pipeline component and its associated value of parameters as such:
dict(preprocessor=dict(…), model=dict(…), postprocessor=dict(…))
- Returns:
- set_postprocessor(data_processor: BaseDataPostprocessor) None ¶
Set the data postprocessor for the data labeler.
- Parameters:
data_processor (data_processing.BaseDataPostprocessor) – processor to set as the postprocessor
- Returns:
- set_preprocessor(data_processor: BaseDataPreprocessor) None ¶
Set the data preprocessor for the data labeler.
- Parameters:
data_processor (data_processing.BaseDataPreprocessor) – processor to set as the preprocessor
- Returns:
- class dataprofiler.labelers.data_labelers.DataLabeler(labeler_type: str, dirpath: str | None = None, load_options: dict | None = None, trainable: bool = False)¶
Wrapper class for choosing between structured and unstructured labeler.
Create structured and unstructured data labeler objects.
- Parameters:
dirpath (str) – Path to load data labeler
load_options (Dict) – Optional arguments to include for load.
trainable (bool) – variable to dictate whether you want a trainable data labeler
- Returns:
- labeler_classes = {'structured': <class 'dataprofiler.labelers.data_labelers.StructuredDataLabeler'>, 'unstructured': <class 'dataprofiler.labelers.data_labelers.UnstructuredDataLabeler'>}¶
- classmethod load_from_library(name: str, trainable: bool = False) BaseDataLabeler ¶
Load the data labeler from the data labeler zoo in the library.
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of the data labeler.
trainable (bool) – variable to dictate whether you want a trainable data labeler
- Returns:
DataLabeler class
- classmethod load_from_disk(dirpath: str, load_options: dict | None = None, trainable: bool = False) BaseDataLabeler ¶
Load the data labeler from a saved location on disk.
- Parameters:
dirpath (str) – path to data labeler files.
load_options (dict) – optional arguments to include for load i.e. class for model or processors
trainable (bool) – variable to dictate whether you want a trainable data labeler
- Returns:
DataLabeler class
- classmethod load_with_components(preprocessor: BaseDataPreprocessor, model: BaseModel, postprocessor: BaseDataPostprocessor, trainable: bool = False) BaseDataLabeler ¶
Load the data labeler from a its set of components.
- Parameters:
preprocessor (data_processing.BaseDataPreprocessor) – processor to set as the preprocessor
model (base_model.BaseModel) – model to use within the data labeler
postprocessor (data_processing.BaseDataPostprocessor) – processor to set as the postprocessor
trainable (bool) – variable to dictate whether you want a trainable data labeler
- Returns: