dataprofiler.profilers.unstructured_labeler_profile module

Profile analysis for applying labels within unstructured profiling.

class dataprofiler.profilers.unstructured_labeler_profile.UnstructuredLabelerProfile(data_labeler_dirpath: str | None = None, options: DataLabelerOptions | None = None)

Bases: object

Profiles and labels unstructured data.

Initialize of Data Label profiling for unstructured datasets.

  • data_labeler_dirpath (String) – Directory path to the data labeler

  • options (DataLabelerOptions) – Options for the data labeler column

type = 'data_labeler'
report(remove_disabled_flag: bool = False) dict

Return profile object.


remove_disabled_flag (boolean) – flag to determine if disabled options should be excluded in report.

diff(other_profile: UnstructuredLabelerProfile, options: dict | None = None) dict

Find the differences for two unstructured labeler profiles.


the difference between entity counts/percentages

Return type:


property label_encoding: list[str]

Return list of labels.

update(df_series: Series) None

Update profile.

property profile: dict

Return a profile.