Django Example#
Django Deployment Example#
A service for aggregating model updates into a single update using Django.
Local Backend Setup (Quick setup)#
Setup a Pipenv with all required packages for service startup with:
make complete-install
Upon successful initialization of the service you will be prompted to create a superuser. This will require you to set a username and passsword.
After initialization, the service can be spun up with the following command:
make start-service-local
When the server is started, you will be able to login at For local test purposes, this should be a simple username and password for testing.
FMA Settings Description#
The aggregator connector is customizable for many types of deployment the user may wish to use.
The aggregator’s type is decided by the settings file (aggregator/federated_learning_project/
INSTALLED_PACKAGES = ["fma_django_connectors"]
"aggregator_connector_type": "DjangoAggConnector",
"metadata_connector": {
"type": "DjangoMetadataConnector",
"model_data_connector": {
"type": None
"secrets_manager": "<name of secrets manager>",
"secrets_name": ["<name of secrets to pull>"],
references the package(s) which contain the connectors being used in the below settings.
is customized by setting the aggregator_connector_type
There are also the settings of the underlying connectors that the aggregator connector uses.
is used to push and pull data to and from the resource that stores model data for your federated experimentsThe
is used to push and pull data to and from the resource that stores metadata for your federated experiments
Note: We talk about the model and meta data connectors in greater detail in the “Connectors” component section
The last part of the AGGREGATOR_SETTINGS
is the secrets_manager
and secrets_name
These two settings indicate to the aggregator:
The type of secrets manager to utilize
The secret name(s) for the manager to query
Local Backend Setup (Granular setup)#
For users looking for a more granular understanding of the example, the steps to create the environment for the service are as follows:
Installation Process#
Create the virtual environment
make compile-packages
make install
Set environment variable for FMA_SETTINGS_MODULE, make sure the environment is setup in runserver and qcluster shells via:
export FMA_SETTINGS_MODULE=federated_learning_project.fma_settings
Install redis
Mac OS
brew install redis
apt-get install redis
To Create Database:
pipenv run python3 migrate
To Create an admin User:
pipenv run python createsuperuser
When the server is started, you will be able to login at For local test purposes, this should be a simple username and password for testing.
Starting the service#
within separate consoles do the following commands:
Start the Django Backend:
pipenv run python runserver
Start the Redis Server
Start the Django Q Cluster:
pipenv run python qcluster
Example Clients#
Navigate to client_examples and follow the instructions that to spin up python clients to interact with the service.