Deploy the FMA Service#

The Federated Model Aggregation service utilizes terraform for its infrastructure deployments.

Before deploying, users will need to configure their Amazon Web Service’s resources and credentials in the terraform variables files.


Users will want to check the following files to ensure their settings are proper for their AWS environment:



Building the Environment#

Before deployment the terraform files needs to have an environment to zip up and send to the serverless components they are spinning up.

Users will need to clone the entire respository to the machine from which they will work:

git clone
cd federated-model-aggregation

First, build the aggregator’s environment:

cd aggregator
make fma-django-compile
make install
make sam-build-remote

This creates a .aws-sam dir that is used to zip up and send to the aggregator component.

Next, build the api_service’s environment:

cd api_service
make fma-django-compile
make install
make sam-build-remote

This creates a .aws-sam dir that is used to zip up and send to the api_service component.

Now you are all setup to deploy!


Deployment Setup#

Terraform file setup#

Each component of the FMA service is laid out as a customizable .tf file within the terraform_deploy/ directory. Most variables can be modified in the
The variables that MUST be modified are:

  • provider_defaults/region - Region in which you wish to host the FMA service

  • provider_defaults/profile - Name of your AWS profile with which you wish to create the service

  • shared_credentials_files_default - Local file with which to reference the policy/role info

  • api_service_listeners_defaults/certificate_arn - The certificate used to validate the ssl policy used in api service listener

  • tags - Custom tags to add to your resources (optional to fill out)

  • vpc_security_group_ids - Security groups associated with the vpc you are using (optional to fill out)

  • subnet_ids - Subnet ids used in the vpc you are using (optional to fill out)

  • metadata_db_defaults/username - The username to be associated with access to the metadata db

  • metadata_db_defaults/parameter_group_name - The name of the parameter group that is used to access the metadata database

  • metadata_db_defaults/availability_zone - The availability zone of your database

  • metadata_db_defaults/db_subnet_group_name - The name of the subnet group that can access the metadata db

  • api_service_listeners_defaults/ssl_policy - The ssl policy required for listeners

  • locals/api_env_vars/FMA_DB_SECRET_PATH - The path used to store database secrets permissions definitions for api service lambda

  • locals/agg_env_vars/FMA_DB_SECRET_PATH - The path used to store database secrets permissions definitions for aggregator lambda

  • locals/db_parameter_family - The family of database parameters used to initialize the database (dependent on locals/db_parameters)

  • locals/metadata_db_tags - The tags used in the deployment of the RDS metadata database

  • locals/vpc_id - The id of the vpc to which the service deploys

  • locals/event_bridge_rule_source_arn - The base ARN path for the rule, rather than the full string

  • parameters - The database parameters used to initialize the database (list of maps that require a name and value field) can be an empty list

NOTE: If deployment fails, terraform should inform you of any issues that may have occurred and will most likely be due to these values listed above.

Standard Deployment#

To deploy the entire service, run the following commands from the root of the repository:

cd terraform_deploy
terraform init
terraform apply

Optional Commands#

There are a few other optional commands and parameters that a user can use as part of their deployment.

Want to see exactly what will be run before running your deployment?#

Users can validate what terraform will execute before running the deployment with the following command:

terraform plan

Want to only deploy a particular part of the service?#

To see a list of resources available in this terraform state users can run the following command. This will allow users to see the particular naming of their resources.

terraform state list

The user can deploy specific parts of the service by using the -target flag and specifying a resource from the output of the command above. See the following command.

terraform apply -target <target>

Want to auto-approve on apply?#

To auto-approve the prompt raised by terraform apply, users can also specify a flag that will automatically aceept changes on apply.

terraform apply -auto-approve

NOTE: It is recommended that the is read and changes are made to ensure a secure deployment that follows industry best practices