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Integrate with Git

rubicon_ml’s git integration allows you to automatically track relevant version control information like branches and commits during your model iteration process. Use this integration when you are developing within a git repository to seamlessly tie your rubicon_ml experiments directly to the model code that produced them - an audit and governance must have!

To enable this feature, instantiate the rubicon_ml object with auto_git_enabled=True.

from rubicon_ml import Rubicon

rubicon = Rubicon(persistence="memory", auto_git_enabled=True)

Any project created with this client will have the URL of the GitHub repo’s origin automatically populated in the github_url property.

project = rubicon.create_project("Automatic Git Integration")


Experiments will have the current active branch name and last commit hash populated in the branch_name and commit_hash fields, respectively.

experiment = project.log_experiment(model_name="GitHub Model")

experiment.branch_name, experiment.commit_hash
('rubicon-ml', '7c76df58384ee03f231521e247b351386f8b3cd1')

These properties can help easily associate projects and experiments with the exact branches and commits they were run against so we can go back and reference the code later.

from rubicon_ml.viz import Dashboard

experiment.log_parameter(name="input", value=True)
experiment.log_metric(name="output", value=1.0)

 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) - - [14/May/2021 11:58:45] "GET /_alive_e9483f78-700c-4852-a59e-f027a3b5caf7 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Dash app running on

Within the rubicon_ml dashboard, your experiments will be grouped by commit hash, which will link directly to the commit on GitHub.
